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Message ID: 2172
Date: Thu Aug 26 04:32:05 BST 1999
Author: Kah Wai
Subject: Re: SSOL Quest and Clerics

Got it last night and tried it out, pretty cool though it kept cleansing me
when I was fighting a scarecrow in W Karanas...hehe And you need to recharge
it at a Temple merchant ... have yet to do that.

Well that depends, I'm planning to be a party Cleric so I dun need to be
really good in melee or use some damaging weapon. Just need all the stat
modifying items for more wis and mana :), get to that soon. CAn't wait to be
able to revive or resurrect!

Check this out, someone posted it, ideal items for his/her cleric:

Ear Gold Jasper Earrings =3 wis *2 (from a jeweler)

Face Plat Ruby Veil =7wis 7str (jeweler)

Neck Chrysoberyl Talisman =3wis 20mana 

Head Nightshade Wreath =Ac 1 5wis 5int 

Fingers Plat Jasper Ring =6wis*2 (jeweler)

Wrists Runed Mithril Bracers =(4ac 3str 5wis)*2 

Shoulders Adamanite Epolets =12ac 7wis 

Arms Plat Arm Band =3str 3wis 

Chest BS Tunic=12ac 4agi 4wis (Undead Knight in Unrest,
group of at least low 20s needed)

Hands Dark Mail Gaunthlets =10ac 5dex 50mana 

Back Mammouth Cloak =5AC 4wis 5vs. Cold 

Waist Bone Clasped Gridle =4ac 7str 7sta 7dex 75 hp
75mana (one of the few items from the Plane of Fear
that is NOT no drop)

Legs Gatorscale Leggings =7ac 4wis 15hp (Cazic Thule?,
group in mid to high 20s required minimum)

Feet Golden Efreeti Boots =5ac 9wis 9int 

Weapon Paw of Opello =9ac 5sta 9dex 9wis -5chr 5mana -
5sv.Disease (Quest item)

Shield Charred Gaurdian =10ac 9wis (off clockwork in
Solusek dungeon, group of high 20's to low 30s at least

Alternate weapon when actually getting into melee: 
Gem Encrusted Scepter =5wis (from Princess in
Mistmoore, group of 30+ required)

Ending Stats increases 
AC 84 
STR 23 
STA 12 
AGI 13 
DEX 12 
WIS 92 !!! 
Int 14 
CHAR -5 
HP 90 
Mana 150

Yuffie 14th Cleric
Melodeuss 12th Bard

Message: 20
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 08:55:40 +0800
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
Subject: RE: What is SSOL Quest

U just dump 5 skills point into my 1HB and start training it, quite a pain
in the ass but worth it for the sake of glowing stein ;)

On Wednesday, 25 August, 1999 9:05 PM, Sereph [SMTP:garford@...]
> From: Sereph <garford@...>
> Chey, I NEVER practice 1h Blunt ever since errrr lvl 2! Now, 1H blunt
> stuck at around 8-12.
> Fesse Estasis, drunken Holy Band Aid.
> Kah Wai wrote:
> > From: "Kah Wai" <kwchow@...>
> >
> > SSOL = Shining Star of Light .. its a 1H Blunt dmg6 dly26(or 28?) and
> > Cleanse which will cure poison or disease...perfect for clerics or pals
> > against undeads
> >
> > Good enough for me now in the teens... hehe
> >
> > Yuffie 14th Cleric
> > Melodeuss 12th Bard
> >