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Message ID: 2154
Date: Wed Aug 25 14:05:19 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: What is SSOL Quest

Chey, I NEVER practice 1h Blunt ever since errrr lvl 2! Now, 1H blunt still
stuck at around 8-12.

Fesse Estasis, drunken Holy Band Aid.

Kah Wai wrote:

> From: "Kah Wai" <kwchow@...>
> SSOL = Shining Star of Light .. its a 1H Blunt dmg6 dly26(or 28?) and cast
> Cleanse which will cure poison or disease...perfect for clerics or pals
> against undeads
> Good enough for me now in the teens... hehe
> Yuffie 14th Cleric
> Melodeuss 12th Bard
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