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Message ID: 2139
Date: Wed Aug 25 04:30:36 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Sabella Anna Estasis vs GMs in CT
> From: Sereph <garford@...>
> Yesterday, at around 10:30am, I finally attain the 12th rank of spells
> for my enchanter. After that, I happilly log out of CT, and went to
> Inno, to do a bit of the Stein quest.
> Last night, while I was hunting birdies with Kalandra in lake, using my
> cleric, I ganna GM warp to Qeynos Aquaducts(aka GM torture room) for
> questioning. During this time, I was totally LD, and Kalandra's HP was
> quite criticle when I got back.
> Why did the damn GM teleport me for? Well, they think that the reason
> why my enchanter is leveling up so quicky is because I'm either hacking
> their servers or exploiting bugs. I yell at them for several minutes,
> made some rude signs, and they agree to let me go, while they
> investigate the matter.
> This morning, log in to CT, play for a while, then another blasted GM,
> this time an a Verant admin, and he/she/it apologize for the treatment
> they did and will discuss some more, about my request, to keep this
> thing harsh harsh.
> Pray that the request is done because..... my request was for a server
> teleport to Innoruuk :)
> Sabella Anna Estasis, Enchanter of the 12th Rank.
> PS: Ogre bouncers gives relative good XP if you can kill them.
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