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Message ID: 2134
Date: Wed Aug 25 01:57:00 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: No update?!

Err, we got a FBR for Leshrec so far, and I still wearing the CB Goss robe.
Let us get 1 1st lah. other wise when I do the stein quest w/o FBR, look
damn knn ;)

Once we get FBR, we will do the courier again. Meantime u guys try to get
as many fishes (using mule), nuts and combs as possible. The tonix les and
I can do. With 2 courier, shld be quite fast.

After tat we will go back for power training to next circle at least b4
camping for Jboot.

Btw, 7pm Singapore time is very good camping time, Najena normally dun have
more than 5 person inside. U also need to be at least lvl 28 b4 the patrol
mob stop KOS u.

Hey I want ROO hor!

On Wednesday, 25 August, 1999 2:42 AM, Ebon Praetor
[SMTP:kelc@...] wrote:
> From: "Ebon Praetor" <kelc@...>
> Well, the predicted arrival time of the Doomsday patch has come
> and gone, and I've suffered a loss of credibility. *sigh*
> But, on the bright side, we can start harvesting those tiny fish for
> moolah! Lots and lots of moolah!!! cha-ching!
> Ziltus and Lesh, something about ROO? *heh* What is FBR man?!
> --
> Love is in the air...
> Get me a gas mask, quick!!!
> Cya,
> Praetor
> Praetor@...
> ICQ 1767778
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