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Message ID: 2125
Date: Tue Aug 24 06:50:24 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Sabella Anna Estasis vs GMs in CT
Yesterday, at around 10:30am, I finally attain the 12th rank of spells
for my enchanter. After that, I happilly log out of CT, and went to
Inno, to do a bit of the Stein quest.
Last night, while I was hunting birdies with Kalandra in lake, using my
cleric, I ganna GM warp to Qeynos Aquaducts(aka GM torture room) for
questioning. During this time, I was totally LD, and Kalandra's HP was
quite criticle when I got back.
Why did the damn GM teleport me for? Well, they think that the reason
why my enchanter is leveling up so quicky is because I'm either hacking
their servers or exploiting bugs. I yell at them for several minutes,
made some rude signs, and they agree to let me go, while they
investigate the matter.
This morning, log in to CT, play for a while, then another blasted GM,
this time an a Verant admin, and he/she/it apologize for the treatment
they did and will discuss some more, about my request, to keep this
thing harsh harsh.
Pray that the request is done because..... my request was for a server
teleport to Innoruuk :)
Sabella Anna Estasis, Enchanter of the 12th Rank.
PS: Ogre bouncers gives relative good XP if you can kill them.