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Message ID: 2100
Date: Mon Aug 23 09:09:20 BST 1999
Author: Gary Qui Hong Loong
Subject: Re: SoulFire Quest Walkthru:BTW all classes can do :)
----- Original Message -----
From: Entreri
To: sg-everquest@onelist.com
Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 14:37
Subject: [sg-everquest] SoulFire Quest Walkthru:BTW all classes can do :)
While everyone is in the "Glowing Stien" mood,Im gonna bore u with soulfire :).Non paladins cant sell/use this item but can be used to gloat abt if u get it :)
This quest is XTREMELY hard and long and would last u to the 50s especially the final part where u have to fight Sir Lucan[ a level50+ paladin..argh] but never the less heres it.
The following is copied from Everlore.com
The No-Bullshit Soulfire Walkthrough
Step 1. Go to Kalatrina Plossen (while you are under lvl 9) and ask her how to help the truthbearer. She gives you a note which you must take to Guard Alayle in the Militia House in West Freeport. When you give him the note he is immediately killed by the only guard in North Freeport, Krazen Loosh (The guy from the bank..remember him?) Before he dies he shoves a tattered flier in your hand.
Step 2. Go to Kalatrina Plossen and give her the note...she tells you to talk to the head of the coalition of Freeport Tradesfolk which is also in North Freeport...that lady directs you to the owner of the forge...a little dwarf named Groflah Steadirt.
Step 3. Repeat step 1.
Step 4. After you watch Alayle die for the second time =) Go to Groflah's Forge in North Freeport and hand him your new tattered flier. He will get all nervous and tell you to meet him at the Seafarer's Roost in East Freeport...the bar at the docks.
Step 5. You will have to wait a long time for him to pop, but he pops to your left if your facing the bar. In the meantime...wait for a beggar named Tykar Renklin to pop right next to the bar. When he does...and here is the trick...HAIL HIM REPEATEDLY...this will keep in the zone long enougth to be useful. While you keep hailing him buy a Drom's Champagne from the bartender...it is a lore item so you have to do this one at a time. If you keep hailing him he should stick around long enough for you to give him 4 of these drinks. When you hand him the fourth...he gives you a blanket and tell you to give it to the only prisoner in the jails under the Arena.
Step 6. After Tykar pops, Groflah usually pops soon. When he is there...give him back the tattered flier. Once you do, he will give you the necessary information about the person who had the sword...the currently jailed (not dead like he says) Ariska Zimel!! He will also fill in the information on your flier.
Step 7. Go out and get a fire beetle eye and some rat ears...combine them in an oven to make edible goo, then combine some snake scales a water flask and a bottle in a brew barrel and you should get some bog juice (both may take several tries of you have no skill like I did). Take the blanket you just got and the juice and goo to the arena and go to the prisoner. Give the all three at once and he will give you a key called HK 105. <<<<<<<<< This HK 105 key. Is it Lore?? if not lore I can do. else can't... 8(
Step 8. He tells you to take it to the Cee-Lerk in Anteria's pass. Anteria is old elven for Antonica, and the only pass in Antonica is Highhold Pass. The Cee-Lerk is his distorted way of saying "clerk." Basically, give the HK 105 key to Bank Clerk Jaylin and she will give you a note.
Step 9. The note directs you to a man named Brother Hayle who happens to be a fellow knight of Marr. He is currently adventuring in the Dungeon of Splitpaw in the Karanas. (Easy Place at my lvl =) When you give him the note he tells you that you need to prove yourself by getting three items yourself. He demands the hilt of an unholy sword, a brilliant sword of faith and the testimony of truth from a paladin who lost favor with Mithaniel Marr and lost his powers.
Step 10. The first thing you need is the sword hilt. This is found on a Shadowknight named Xioctil in the Castle Mistmoore. He is not-super rare, but you need to keep the mobs there clear so he will spawn. He drops the hilt every time.
Step 11. The last 2 items are on the king of evil himself...Sir Lucan D'Lere (Captain of the miltia on Freeport) Every time you kill sir Lucan you get some plate boots which are plus 9 strength and a testament proving he used to be a paladin. Give this piece of paper to the person in the Knights of Truth Hall as proof of Lucan's Death and receive a Brilliant Sword of Faith for your heroics!
Step 12. Once you have the Sword, Testament, Old Note and Hilt....go back to splitpaw and give them all at once to brother Hayle. He will then give you the Soulfire. The Soulfire is 45, 23 2H slash with plus 7 str and plus 7 wis. It has 5 charges of complete.
Please note: To get the Testament of Marr, simply go to the East Commonlands and give Altunic Jarin a cloth shirt (med). This will make a guy named Squire Narls POP. Kill him and take his head and give it to Altunic. Altunic will give you a coin. Then, go talk to the paladin who stands on the grass of the Knights of Truth area of Freeport. Ask him about the quest again and tell him what Altunic told you to say. He will then tell you to kill some spiders or something...basically go to the store and buy some newbie items and return them to him. Once you do that he will tell you its time to take the ultimate test...killing an enemy of Marr. A guard will pop in the sewer entrance behind the Paladin guild. He is like lvl 5 and extremely easy to kill. Grease him and take his helmet over to the same paladin and give it to him. He will give you another coin. Give him back both coins and he will give you the necessary testament for the soulfire quest.
As a final note, I would like to say that I have been working on this quest since level one and I would like to note that I have every piece except the brilliant sword of faith. And, since the powers that be have decided to eliminate the spawn of Sir Lucan I would like to share my efforts with everyone else so you all can join my petition to Verant to stop being assholes and put Lucan back in the game. Hopefully this guide should get you excited enough to do so.
Paladin of Truth and Honor