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Message ID: 2084
Date: Sun Aug 22 08:37:49 BST 1999
Author: Synzzz
Subject: Re: Named Teant
----- Original Message -----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: '* Singapore EQ Mailing List' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 1999 10:05 AM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Named Teant
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> Last night I met this named npc in SK, con blue to me. This npc drop the
> Teant Stave which has Root effect.
> Been greedy and impatient, I start by root it and nuke all the way (b4
> others see it and start attacking it and when I get the kill call me Kill
> Stealer...). Normal teant will die after 500-600 dam nuking but this one,
> after nuking for more than 800-1000 dam, is still alive!
> After I OOM, die die melee with it, and most tu-long is tat it killed me
> with less than 3% HP!!! KNN!!!
> Shld I be more patient and cast Leatherskin (give me 200HP), I would have
> killed it instead it killed me, sigh.
> Been in SK so many times, this is the 1st time I meet this rare spawn.
> Just a lesson to share with all - be patient and plan, or we are just
> wasting time looting our corpse. And remember server down last night?
> how big SK is? I die ard 15 min b4 server down and lucky managed to get
> corpse back before server down (thanks to my sense direction and loc
> skills), otherwise I cannot sleep ;P
> Nevertheless I still lost half a bubb xp for this fatal mistake I made -
> another 2 hrs hunting in HH. The only good thing is tat, been so moody
> after the death, I dun bother to wait for server to come up and play. In
> the end sleep at 11pm plus and wake up this morning FRESH AND ENERGETIC!!!
> ;))
> Tonight gonna power train my wiz to 30 b4 the hunts. I will be in HH keep
> warrior room early, probably b4 8pm, till morning ;) Die die must
> Ziltus Planeswalker
> Still tu-long over the incident of letting the teant stave 'fly' away from
> his hands....
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