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Message ID: 2073
Date: Sat Aug 21 07:52:17 BST 1999
Author: Tommy Fong
Subject: RE: SG Guild Suggestions

Kell will be the taker.

On Fri, 20 Aug 1999 09:16:27 +0800, LKW wrote:

>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>Try msging Nica, Kel, Zan or Kal, I think they may be interested.
>On Thursday, 19 August, 1999 7:24 PM, Tommy Fong
[SMTP:tommyfong@...] wrote:
>> From: "Tommy Fong" <tommyfong@...>
>> The problem is I can't find any taker to pass the Thug..... ;)
>> On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:05:35 +0800, LKW wrote:
>> >If any kakis found an artifact which he dun bother to sell or none of his
>> >chars can use it, he can pass to another kakis who can use it. Say Garren
>> >found a Thug robe which he or his other chars can't use, and he dun bother
>> >to sell. In the end he gave to Ziltus. Later when Ziltus got a Goss robe,
>> >he is NOT supposed to sell the Thug robe for his own benefit. Instead, he
>> >pass it to FF. Now FF got a FBR, he will then pass the Thug robe to the
>> >next kakis who can use it. This way we can practice kakis heritage system
>> >which will benefit more kakis.
>> Good Hunting,
>> FlyingFox Everest, Level 29 Magician
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Good Hunting,

FlyingFox Everest, Magician at his hell level 30