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Message ID: 2046
Date: Fri Aug 20 08:23:02 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: [Fwd: EVERQUEST Vanguardia de Valerian Guild Approved]

Hehe sound like a delicious branded chocolate ;P...

On Friday, 20 August, 1999 3:19 PM, Sereph [SMTP:garford@...] wrote:
> Happy happy, guild form liao!
> +++
> Congratulations!
> Your guild, Vanguardia de Valerian, has been approved. We look forward to seeing your
> guild throughout the lands of Norrath.
> You may now approach the indicated GM for guild creation during the
> scheduled times listed at www.everquest.com . Please send a /tell to the
> GM when you are logged in with your character and ready to create the guild.
> Please do not ask the GMs or guides to create guilds in times other than
> those specified. You may have your guild created on any or all servers.
> Yours in Norrath,
> Thomas Wells
> Guild Coordinator
> Verant Interactive
> eqguilds@...
> Remember, check www.everquest.com for the latest guilding schedule