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Message ID: 2033
Date: Fri Aug 20 03:06:47 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: SG Guild Suggestions

ICQ and mailing list quite similar leh. Msg board allowed u to access from
anywhere, convenient for those who have PC at home and office. ICQ is also
more proned to hacker than mag board.

On Thursday, 19 August, 1999 6:23 PM, Sereph [SMTP:garford@...]
> From: Sereph <garford@...>
> Answers:
> 1. I'm starting up an ICQ active list. All go download the new ver. It
> basically act as a RL msg board, and is intergrated intpo your contact
> 2. You mail Red Dawn loh. My e-mail too cluttered liao
> 3. General organisation, you and I do, BUT we only plan activities for
> the guild. Those who wishes to volunteer for the lvl event thingy, doi so
> or I'll saboh you.
> 4. Your story starting to get old...... *yawns*
> LKW wrote:
> > From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> >
> > 1. Mailing list is good. Maybe we can consider if msg board can do the
> > better? Esp a password protected one to prevent other retarded goons
> > anyhow jump in.
> >
> > 2. FF got web space, but it's his personal's. I wonder what if we get
> > those free space from some webspace provider? Singularity boss Red
> > also mentioned a EQ space reserved for us. I guess we just need to get
> > from him.
> >
> > 3. Appoint one Events Officer for each 10-lvl categories. At least one
> > guild hunt per fortnight? Eg Lvl 30-40 Event Officer to organise at
> > 1 lvl 30-40 guild hunt once every 2 weeks. He can also 'arrow' another
> > 30-40 kakis to do the organisation once a month (ie 2 events per month,
> > officer must organise one of the 2 events, the other he can assign
> > lvl 30-40 kakis to organise). Best is each one in the lvl category has
> > chance to organise. Everyone must contribute mah, right? ;)
> >
> > 4. Kakis Heritage System
> > If any kakis found an artifact which he dun bother to sell or none of
> > chars can use it, he can pass to another kakis who can use it. Say
> > found a Thug robe which he or his other chars can't use, and he dun
> > to sell. In the end he gave to Ziltus. Later when Ziltus got a Goss
> > he is NOT supposed to sell the Thug robe for his own benefit. Instead,
> > pass it to FF. Now FF got a FBR, he will then pass the Thug robe to
> > next kakis who can use it. This way we can practice kakis heritage
> > which will benefit more kakis.
> >
> > Contribution welcome.
> >
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> >
> >
> > Singapore Everquest Players List
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