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Message ID: 1994
Date: Thu Aug 19 12:25:54 BST 1999
Author: Tommy Fong
Subject: Re: Research Tips

As a mage, I can't agree with u. At lvl 30, I still can't research my earth elemental but
have already spent 20pp on the first try...... Besides, I'm out of components now. I
have to stick to the fire and air for this circle.

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:25:24 +0900, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy wrote:

>as far as i know... other magic using classes dont rely on research so
>much... only necros need em bad.. bcos all the good spells are research
>only... n from level 29... even pets needs to research... where all other
>classes that got pets get to buy em... thast tbe bad thing bout necros...