Talking about wierd, I got 1 different part of Cryosilk(Currently, the
best magi armor in the game) from the first 5 Spinechillers I killed.
Till now, after 100+ kills, I only manage to get a bracer. The item
spawn is really cranky these days.
Entreri wrote:
> Firstly,congratulations on the guid being formed ! Secondly,hard to
> xplain goesU see,when u camp for an item,it always
> seems to take years to spawn but when u are not expecting it or just
> going there to give one try and see if the special mob is spawned,it
> ALWAYS seemed to have the item but when u plan plan then ready for
> 24hrs camp,its always not there...This is just what I
> there some sort of camping code that verant had set up? 1.My friend
> got a SBS on his first trainer kill2.on the first attack on orge sk
> got the barbed armplates but all subsequent attempts also dont
> have.. Wierd?Hmmm..I wonder why... Entreri Email:
> drizzt@...
> ICQ UIN: 2326860
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