1. I'm starting up an ICQ active list. All go download the new ver. It
basically act as a RL msg board, and is intergrated intpo your contact list.
2. You mail Red Dawn loh. My e-mail too cluttered liao
3. General organisation, you and I do, BUT we only plan activities for across
the guild. Those who wishes to volunteer for the lvl event thingy, doi so now,
or I'll saboh you.
4. Your story starting to get old...... *yawns*
LKW wrote:
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> 1. Mailing list is good. Maybe we can consider if msg board can do the job
> better? Esp a password protected one to prevent other retarded goons
> anyhow jump in.
> 2. FF got web space, but it's his personal's. I wonder what if we get
> those free space from some webspace provider? Singularity boss Red Dawn
> also mentioned a EQ space reserved for us. I guess we just need to get
> from him.
> 3. Appoint one Events Officer for each 10-lvl categories. At least one lvl
> guild hunt per fortnight? Eg Lvl 30-40 Event Officer to organise at least
> 1 lvl 30-40 guild hunt once every 2 weeks. He can also 'arrow' another lvl
> 30-40 kakis to do the organisation once a month (ie 2 events per month,
> officer must organise one of the 2 events, the other he can assign other
> lvl 30-40 kakis to organise). Best is each one in the lvl category has a
> chance to organise. Everyone must contribute mah, right? ;)
> 4. Kakis Heritage System
> If any kakis found an artifact which he dun bother to sell or none of his
> chars can use it, he can pass to another kakis who can use it. Say Garren
> found a Thug robe which he or his other chars can't use, and he dun bother
> to sell. In the end he gave to Ziltus. Later when Ziltus got a Goss robe,
> he is NOT supposed to sell the Thug robe for his own benefit. Instead, he
> pass it to FF. Now FF got a FBR, he will then pass the Thug robe to the
> next kakis who can use it. This way we can practice kakis heritage system
> which will benefit more kakis.
> Contribution welcome.
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