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Message ID: 1944
Date: Thu Aug 19 03:02:30 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Glowing Stein...

Ah....but I think at high lvl nuker won't use melee weap anymore, like les
is now carrying book in his primary weap slot. Sad to say, I haven't reach
this stage, hehe. Nevertheless it's still a good boost in stats, esp in a
situation where the caster role in a camping trip (with grp) is just to
nuke, nuke and nuke ;)

So how to do this quest? ;)


p/s: I think I have a rare necro page in my bank, been keeping for u since
I got it. It's mean for some high lvl necro research I think, will pass u
to when I see u.

On Thursday, 19 August, 1999 9:34 AM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
[SMTP:sccheng@...] wrote:
> if u have a glowing stein... get rid of it by trading something else...
check this out...
> Upon the test server if you had a Glowing Stein, you now have a Stein of
Moggok. The stats are supposedly the same as the Glowing Stein yet you must
put it in your primary melee slot. This means that you cannot wield the
Stein and a 1H Blunt weapon at the same time. This could be carried over to
the main servers soon.
> cheers,
> Nicademous
> SC Cheng, Freddy
> Mobile-Internet Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratory,
> NTT DoCoMo R&D Center C212,
> 3-5, Hikari no Oka, Yokosuka-Shi,
> Kanagawa, 239-8536, Japan
> Tel : +81 468-40-3497
> Fax: +81 468-40-3788
> Email : sccheng@...
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