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Message ID: 1941
Date: Thu Aug 19 02:51:06 BST 1999
Author: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
Subject: Re: Najena Camp

camping for jboots is more like luck... if u lucky u get it maybe even the
first kill... if u suay like me... 19 hours straight camp n only one pair
and that fucking pair goes to someone in front of the queue... camping fbr
is much easier... but 3 person its impossible to camp for fbr n boots...
bcos both are at different location... although same dungeon... but need the
3 to be at that spot... unless u guys can 24 hours dont sleep... then can
camp both spots... if u say 2 level 20 + 1 level 30 wiz/ mage... at one
place... i think good enough... so if we have like 4 level 20 and 2 level
30... we can bao the whole dungeon liaoz... but then... theres always
someone there to camp jboots... but fbr not all the time...

speaking from my 19 hours in dungeon najena...

----- Original Message -----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 1999 10:26 AM
Subject: RE: [sg-everquest] Najena Camp

> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> Hmm, I have a friend who get Jboot in just few hrs camping - just camp at
> the least peak hr - S'pore time 4pm to 8 pm. This is the timing when Inno
> server got least players.
> Now we have 3 lvl 30 kakis in SG guild - Garren, Leshrec and FF. I shld
> able to lvl b4 weekend. 4 of us - Lvl 35 Pala, 2 lvl 30 Wiz and 1 Lvl 30
> Magi with pet, shld be abt to handle quite well. I propose the 1st troop
> Najena hunt after the SOO hunt, maybe the weekend after this, for FBR and
> Jboot. It may be a Fri 7pm to 3am hunt (details to be spelled out later).
> All those who are lvl 20 plus still got 1 week plus to lvl to 30 and join
> us for the hunt ;) (Zan & NIca especially, hehe)
> Hey u guys at lvl 20+ shld form some troop to go for dirk, SBS or WCS ;)
> Ziltus Planeswalker (VS)
> On Thursday, 19 August, 1999 8:25 AM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
> [SMTP:sccheng@...] wrote:
> > From: "Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy" <sccheng@...>
> >
> > as for jboots... its 24 hours on camp... so u just have to be somewhere
> in
> > the queue... i suggest one weekend and dont plan on sleeping for 24
> or
> > so... then u can be sure of getting it... and at the same time... make
> sure
> > theres a team with u (not someone that get his boots then hes gone)...
> > also... although u just have to fight Drezlna and her 2 necromancers +
> > petssss, there are lots of surprises that will come into the room outta
> > sudden... its not like if those are green to u they wont come... some
> still
> > will... AND they always choose to come at the right time (wrong time for
> > you) thats my advice... so far i see that 2 wizards level34 and 1 cleric
> > level 36 manage to hold out that place no prob... BUT the 2 wiz alone
> might
> > not be enough... since drez can multiple harm touch... and each goes
> > 300hp...
> >
> > cheers,
> > Nicademous
> >
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