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Message ID: 1941
Date: Thu Aug 19 02:51:06 BST 1999
Author: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
Subject: Re: Najena Camp
----- Original Message -----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 1999 10:26 AM
Subject: RE: [sg-everquest] Najena Camp
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> Hmm, I have a friend who get Jboot in just few hrs camping - just camp at
> the least peak hr - S'pore time 4pm to 8 pm. This is the timing when Inno
> server got least players.
> Now we have 3 lvl 30 kakis in SG guild - Garren, Leshrec and FF. I shld
> able to lvl b4 weekend. 4 of us - Lvl 35 Pala, 2 lvl 30 Wiz and 1 Lvl 30
> Magi with pet, shld be abt to handle quite well. I propose the 1st troop
> Najena hunt after the SOO hunt, maybe the weekend after this, for FBR and
> Jboot. It may be a Fri 7pm to 3am hunt (details to be spelled out later).
> All those who are lvl 20 plus still got 1 week plus to lvl to 30 and join
> us for the hunt ;) (Zan & NIca especially, hehe)
> Hey u guys at lvl 20+ shld form some troop to go for dirk, SBS or WCS ;)
> Ziltus Planeswalker (VS)
> On Thursday, 19 August, 1999 8:25 AM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
> [SMTP:sccheng@...] wrote:
> > From: "Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy" <sccheng@...>
> >
> > as for jboots... its 24 hours on camp... so u just have to be somewhere
> in
> > the queue... i suggest one weekend and dont plan on sleeping for 24
> or
> > so... then u can be sure of getting it... and at the same time... make
> sure
> > theres a team with u (not someone that get his boots then hes gone)...
> > also... although u just have to fight Drezlna and her 2 necromancers +
> > petssss, there are lots of surprises that will come into the room outta
> > sudden... its not like if those are green to u they wont come... some
> still
> > will... AND they always choose to come at the right time (wrong time for
> > you) thats my advice... so far i see that 2 wizards level34 and 1 cleric
> > level 36 manage to hold out that place no prob... BUT the 2 wiz alone
> might
> > not be enough... since drez can multiple harm touch... and each goes
> > 300hp...
> >
> > cheers,
> > Nicademous
> >
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