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Message ID: 1909
Date: Wed Aug 18 10:53:24 BST 1999
Author: Gary Qui Hong Loong
Subject: Re: Abit bout the guild thing.
> From: Sereph <garford@...>
> About bank thing, it's solely cash only. Twinkering should not be done, unless
> the person is proven to be honest.
> BTW, about being PVP. You can't cast any friendly spell on PVPs, neither can
> they cast them on you. If whole guild turn PVP imagine this:
> You were fighting some goons, and is down to 1 bubble on hp. A friendly cleric
> walk pass, seeing you so pathetic want to heal you, but you cannot be healed
> and died. Sad right?
> Sabella Anna Estasis. 11th Rank Tank Mage of EQ. (Level 46 from 18hrs of
> camping in Lower Guk and Fear Plane)
> LKW wrote:
> > From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> >
> > Reply as follows.
> >
> > On Tuesday, 17 August, 1999 8:58 AM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
> > [SMTP:sccheng@...] wrote:
> > > Im glad that finally some stuff are being done about the guild thing and
> > we are gonna have a guild of our own and no more jerks in the guild. i will
> > be quitting my current guild this friday or sat when i get online and join
> > u guys as soon as i can get. from then, i will not be doing anything (no
> > more camping since i wasted many fucking hours camping for the jboots and
> > no gain except for a dagger - better than nothing i guess since the dagger
> > is said to be more rare) BUT power leveling. I will get to level 30 asap or
> > even more and will not be stopping until i am happy with my level. It seems
> > to be that when u have the level, camping any shit will be easy and you
> > dont have to rely on anyones help.
> >
> > This is VERY true, once u got the lvl, u can start hunting for stuffs. See
> > I'm still wearing my lvl 16 armor mainly? See I undergo the power training
> > in Lake Rathetear for the past weeks - I mixed so often with aviak guards
> > tat pple start calling me birdman, hehe.
> >
> > > some stuff bout the guild charter.
> > > 1. when a SOS (not to be abused) is being sent (e.g., such that a person
> > died in a terrible spot and impossible to get back, then everyone is online
> > and is capable MUST BE there to help irregardless of what dman thing u r
> > doing).
> >
> > I hate to say this but i think the SOS WILL be abused. No way to avoid.
> > See too many abused case in UO and it will be the same in EQ (from the
> > newbies' shouts every now and then). I'm totally against such SOS rescue
> > where everyone online has to help regardless what u r doing. Imagine I can
> > get up to 10 msg asking for party gate within 30 min I login (some even
> > tell me "ah finally wait till u login", LOL), no way I gonna response to
> > every SOS msg. One of the most hated msg I get from UO is some newbie
> > members SOS msg tat pop up on my screen every now and then. This is esp
> > worse in EQ when traveling is time-consuming, even with teleport spell we
> > also need time to run and find the corpse. In UO, once I noticed any
> > member abusing this aid, I will let other veteran members know so as to let
> > them stay in dungeon as a ghost or learn to walk back to town and get
> > resurrection ;)
> >
> > I personally proposed those within the zone offer their help if only they
> > can help (eg was buying, selling or solo random hunting). Imagine if I
> > kill 24 orc trainer (5-6 hr waiting) in a row and I know SBS will spawn in
> > the next 2-3 spawn, I would think it will be better for the member to spend
> > 5-30 min searching his corpse instead. Sometime it is more practice and
> > effective to seek help from the zone rather than waiting for own member to
> > do it. Eg 2 nights ago, I need someone to help in transferring stuffs from
> > Zil to my new char, I start with guildsay, no response. I msg few kakis,
> > some no response, some response saying they r few zones away hunting, I
> > also didnt expect them to run all the way to help me, coz I think it's
> > kinda impractical for them to do so. In the end when I was abt to find a
> > quiet place drop the item and login my new char to get it, I got msg from
> > FF who is coming to GF for some camping and offer his help. I'm not trying
> > to blame anyone but in such situation, I think it's perfectly alright to
> > solve the problem by myself, in the sense of efficiency and effectiveness.
> > We all start as a newbie w/o helps, we learn thing the hard way. As in
> > UO, every hunting trips as a newbie, I walk with my kakis from town to
> > dungeon, back to town b4 the last save. When we all reach tank-mage stage
> > and we start helping newbie members to mark rune, to gate them here and
> > there. So much so tat in the end they dun even know how to walk from
> > dungeon to town if they get killed as a lvl 8 caster and no member online
> > ;) Just to share my personal experience.
> >
> > > 2. i also suggest someone to be in-charge of hunts and stuff (one of the
> > officers, thats i propose Ziltus and one other person).
> >
> > Sorry, gotta turn down this job abt hunting and stuffs. I dun mind doing
> > some recruiting job, PROVIDED I am available to do the recruiting, since
> > wiz has the advantage of travelling spells. H/w, UO event organiser is
> > enuff for me. During my time as a GM, I hold more events than the total
> > events organised by the rest of the guild. Now for EQ, I dun mind doing
> > part-time, esp during this transition period when QHD dun have much
> > activities, but I guess I wont wanna be the official person in charge, heh,
> > thx for the nomination tho' ;)
> >
> > > 3. As for banking and equipment, i propsed those 2 person, instead of
> > using their banks, get them to create a char just for the purpose of
> > banking. So it will be easier for them to keep track of money and stuff and
> > those money is not to be abused. We can have a store of items and LOAN them
> > to members in the guild (e.g., RTS and other stuff), when these members are
> > capable of geting one, they will return it or pass it to another member
> > requiring it.
> >
> > Loaning items is abit difficult in EQ, due to:
> > - Not easy to meet to borrow and return stuffs.
> > - Loading a char in EQ can be quite time consuming, unlike UO. So if the
> > person in charge need to logout and relogin the storeman char, it will post
> > some kinda inconveniences for the player. Due to the limited items slot in
> > EQ (unlike UO where only wt limit), it's not easy to keep stuffs too, esp
> > lore item like RTS, u can only keep 1 per char. I think it will be more
> > effective for higher lvl to help lower lvl to get some cool items once in a
> > while, and provided the lower lvl can physically participate the hunting
> > (and not turning it to a corpse looting session). Of coz, for those lower
> > lvl, dun expect to get something more than 5 lvls than u la. If a lvl 1
> > wanna get JBoot, I think even if u got a lvl 50 wiz with u, it's also
> > difficult for him to even bring u to see Najena.
> >
> > > NOTE: i have a slightly crazy idea bout something. Instead of creating
> > one guild, we will form 2 guilds. one for lower levels, one higher. All our
> > low level chars will form one and high level another. maybe level 1-20 one
> > guild, 20 upwards another (or maybe even make it level 30). This way, we
> > can recruit newbies and train them the way of our guild. if our guild is
> > active all the time and is nice to all of the folks, i dont believe there
> > is any reason for them to quit the guild. That will continue to point 4.
> >
> > Hmm, pardon me, I dun see the need to create 2 guilds, since we dun have to
> > start a warfare sub-division like in UO for guild war (to protect those
> > non-war chars). Actually it shld be alright to have all lvl in the guild.
> > Plus the fact tat with our own kakis, we dun have to hide where we r
> > hunting. As long as u got the lvl requirement for hunt, u are most welcome
> > to join us (which mean we must have strict recruitment to get only those
> > trust-worthy and loyal kakis la).
> >
> > > 4. We will help lower levels folks to break spwan and stuff BUT it doesnt
> > mean helping them to kill all the stuff and let them loot for many many
> > hours. Crap stuff like RTS i say it doesnt hurt to let most members have,
> > BUT if we are talking bout FBRs or more useful items as we gain more power,
> > then that we must state a certain level or unless they can get it
> > themselves (usually this is a few levels b4 they can get it themselves).
> >
> > Tat's why I organise the RTS hunt and limit the hunt to those above lvl 12
> > ;) Problem is, in order to prevent camping, EQ is patched anti-camp.
> > During the last trip, we camp for 2 hrs or so (?) and not even a RTS or
> > skull. YY mentioned webclaw spaw at 10 min interval, which sound very
> > tempting for me to get it, hehe. Kellendil also got a WCS liao, maybe u
> > can share with us how u got it (how u kill it, melee, nuke or wat), where
> > (which part of Lake)?
> >
> > > 5. i have also by chance came to talk to the guildmaster of Disciples of
> > Discord. All members are red (PvP). So if any members decided to be funny
> > with the guild or spoil the reputation of the guild then they will be
> > hunted down for the rest of their fucking EQ lives That i believe is
> > somewhat good protection, but it requires members to be PvP and ourselves
> > to be also which is a bad thing or good thing. IF ANY MEMBERS CREATE
> > wont have their other chars pretend and join our guild again and get to
> > cheat the guild and stuff.
> >
> > My stand is to remain non-PvP, even until I reach lvl 50 ;) Personally I
> > dun really enjoy PvP all time, but some duels here and there shld be ok ;)
> >
> > > 6. we certainly dont want war with other guilds. if we dont steal kills
> > and stuff i dont forsee a guildwar happening.
> >
> > Too many stealers in EQ, and so far I havent heard any war starts due to
> > kill stealing.
> >
> > > 7. Make it unique, maybe someone that wants to be officer or elder or
> > watever u call that, he must be highly nominated by 2/3 of the elder/
> > officer council OR he can gain it by challenging one to a duel and WIN IT.
> > =) some pvp action. if the guild gets large enough, we can have some sort
> > of arena fights n stuff.
> >
> > Hmm, lvls or PvP capablity shldnt be the factor used to determine officer
> > post. No use asking a lvl 50 wiz who win the duel for the position, go ard
> > making havoc and spoil guild reputation until we dismiss him - damange
> > already done to our reputation. Instead, leadership, commitment, loyalty
> > and contribution shld be looked into when determining the officer
> > candidates.
> >
> > > 8. ok i said enough, now bloody feedback for all i have said...
> > > p/s: cant imagine i went on a camping trip and gain one level =) and also
> > found some true friends and jerks...
> >
> > Just like tax and death in RL, you see friends and jerks everywhere in EQ
> > ;)
> >
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