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Message ID: 1905
Date: Wed Aug 18 09:20:19 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: MIA from Innoruuk

Will be away from Inno for the next 3 days, as I'm camping for a full
set of Cryosilk for my enchanter in Cazic.

Will still log in to Inno to check for Wylven presence though, want to
explain to him our reasons for quitting QHD.

Anyway, some things about fear plane, for those who are interested.

1. Gate spell DON'T WORK! Wizard GG work though
2. You should always have levitate on. There are Wraiths there that cast
Gravity Flux for 300dmg a pop, to your whole group if you are without
3. Nearly everything in the plane can fear, so boast your magic resist
4. Many things here can Harm Touch too, and their HT is unresistable,
unlike PC SK's HT.
5. It rains blood there.
6. There is only one zone barrier to get back, if you are not a Wiz, but
the barrier is guarded by CT.
7. CT is fucked up huge. Around 1 and the half the height of an SG, and
has several pets(all con yellow to me)
8. If possible, do not get hit. You'll get randomly teleported and might
go LD during this period (happen to 2 members of the 2nd group that was
in CT this morning)
9. Zone is VERY unstable. Was about to crash, but heng my group GG off.
Other group, as sway as they were before, got killed when the zone get
back by CT himself.
10. If GM not online, don't think of going to CT, you need them to get
your corpse after the zone crash, else, it's impossible to get your