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Message ID: 1898
Date: Wed Aug 18 07:12:21 BST 1999
Author: Ebon Praetor
Subject: very easy quest for a marginally useful item

Here is the info that Ziltus requested be put up... the 2nd paragraph
is the one you spell slingers will be interested in...

Lucia's Dress: Guard Elron at the gate tower has lost his
daughter in the sewers, and he wants you to find her.
Unfortunately,she has been eaten by Cubert, a gelatinous cube.
Kill Cubert and get her dress and return for experience, faction,
money and a decent item, sometimes a Golden Locket, A Lore
item that casts a courage spell with 5 charges.

Or in the alternative, give the dress to The NPC standing by the
bridge to the bank in Qeynos who works in the aqueducts and he
will give you money and an item (usually a Golden Ear Stud).

Golden Ear Stud, +3 Int, ear-ring.


Love is in the air...
Get me a gas mask, quick!!!


ICQ 1767778