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Message ID: 1882
Date: Tue Aug 17 13:33:48 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: Debit Card info
>From: "Ebon Praetor" <kelc@...>
>For all of you who are worried about the credit card requirement of
>EQ, here is some information I dug up from local bank websites...
>Apparently, DBS/POSB, despite being the "biggest" bank in
>Singapore, has a website that does not give any information on
>their debit card, or any way to easily search for that information.
>One would be inclined to believe they lack this service altogether...
>P.S: I hope you don't mind, Danny; I posted to you and the local
>EQ mailing list at the same time.
>Love is in the air...
>Get me a gas mask, quick!!!
>ICQ 1767778
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