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Message ID: 1828
Date: Tue Aug 17 04:16:29 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Looking for lvl9 party for exp and cash

Err u guys know the difference between circle and lvl? Circle is the time
you get new skills or spells, eg circle 1 for wiz is lvl 1, but circle 2
mean lvl 4, circle 3 is lvl 8. Level is the normal xp lvl u gain one by

When u say u are a circle 9, I presume u are close to lvl 40, hehe. Lvl 40
no need to hunt in LF la, too small fry for u ;)

On Tuesday, 17 August, 1999 10:02 AM, kwchow@...
[SMTP:kwchow@...] wrote:
> From: kwchow@...
> Melodeuss, Bard of 9th circle:
> Am looking for party of similar lvl to hunt in LFay Bandit camps tonight,
need to make some dough and gain some exp. Will probably have to start at
about 11pm there abouts, anyone interested?
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