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Message ID: 1817
Date: Mon Aug 16 14:50:06 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: Staff of Observer Group Hunt (Garren pls reply)

How often the eye spawn?
Whats the lvl on evil eye?
a lvl 26 monk can kill it ? my magic resist is low.
I should be able to "thong" until 4:00 AM ! this Sat.
Giving wife the EQ sleeping pill.

Or i go Mistmorre this weekend.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Qui Hong Loong <kanglun@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Monday, August 16, 1999 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Staff of Observer Group Hunt (Garren pls reply)

>From: "Gary Qui Hong Loong" <kanglun@...>
> Sorri, I charged 200pp for that.
>mahahahah. j/k. I'll do it foc.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>To: '* Singapore EQ Mailing List' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
>Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 16:31
>Subject: [sg-everquest] Staff of Observer Group Hunt (Garren pls reply)
>> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>> Open to : Lvl 30 and above.
>> Venue : Rivervale Bank
>> Date : 21/8/99 (Sat)
>> Time : 11.00PM - 2.00AM
>> VIP : Garren the BIG tank
>> OK, I hope this time will work (ie no more corpse looting, hehe).
>> This trip required a tank, which I would like to invite Garren to offer
>> service (not for free la). As you guys know, SOO cost at least 400-600pp
>> in the realm. Thus I think it's only fair that all who need the staff
>> physically participate in the hunt pay at least 50pp to Garren for his 3
>> hrs service, so that he get at least 200pp for the assistance (ie if 2
>> person coming, each pay him 100pp, if 4 person coming, pay him 50pp
>> Of coz it's up to dearest Garren if he choose not to charge us any fee
>> the service, hehehe.
>> Anyway, make it a short and sweet hunt. We will camp for Borxx the CB
>> Every one (including Garren himself, which mean u guys who cant make it
>> for the trip can pay him 500pp for ths staff, hehe) get a lens and I will
>> gate all back to GF (ok I offer this service FOC, thou' I got 50pp last
>> night gating a party of 5 from GF to WC last night, hehe). Once in GF,
>> will 'chong' to the the Gnome observer. Someone will create an enchanter
>> gnome with MAX CHA, then we pass lens one by one to him and he get the
>> one by one for us. Once done, I will gate all to WC, for free again! ;)
>> Now we just need Garren to nod his head ;)
>> Oh last note. Borxx can charm. So participants pls get ya CANCEL MAGIC
>> spell rdy. If u haven't got it, u can buy it from Felwithe. It's a very
>> useful spell against those debuff spells.
>> Ziltus Planeswalker
>> p/s: Another msg coming up on general comments for group hunt. Stay
>> ;)
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