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Message ID: 1812
Date: Mon Aug 16 09:31:39 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Staff of Observer Group Hunt (Garren pls reply)
Open to : Lvl 30 and above.
Venue : Rivervale Bank
Date : 21/8/99 (Sat)
Time : 11.00PM - 2.00AM
VIP : Garren the BIG tank
OK, I hope this time will work (ie no more corpse looting, hehe).
This trip required a tank, which I would like to invite Garren to offer his
service (not for free la). As you guys know, SOO cost at least 400-600pp
in the realm. Thus I think it's only fair that all who need the staff AND
physically participate in the hunt pay at least 50pp to Garren for his 3
hrs service, so that he get at least 200pp for the assistance (ie if 2
person coming, each pay him 100pp, if 4 person coming, pay him 50pp each).
Of coz it's up to dearest Garren if he choose not to charge us any fee for
the service, hehehe.
Anyway, make it a short and sweet hunt. We will camp for Borxx the CB EYE.
Every one (including Garren himself, which mean u guys who cant make it
for the trip can pay him 500pp for ths staff, hehe) get a lens and I will
gate all back to GF (ok I offer this service FOC, thou' I got 50pp last
night gating a party of 5 from GF to WC last night, hehe). Once in GF, we
will 'chong' to the the Gnome observer. Someone will create an enchanter
gnome with MAX CHA, then we pass lens one by one to him and he get the SOO
one by one for us. Once done, I will gate all to WC, for free again! ;)
Now we just need Garren to nod his head ;)
Oh last note. Borxx can charm. So participants pls get ya CANCEL MAGIC
spell rdy. If u haven't got it, u can buy it from Felwithe. It's a very
useful spell against those debuff spells.
Ziltus Planeswalker
p/s: Another msg coming up on general comments for group hunt. Stay tuned