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Message ID: 1806
Date: Mon Aug 16 03:13:58 BST 1999
Author: Davis Tuea
Subject: Re: SG kakis guild, MUST READ and MUST reply.
>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>See below.
>> From: Sereph the ParanGOON with airport runway "chest"
>> QHD has several lamers these days, and on top of that, it's hyper
>> inactive in activities. When was the last time, the guild got together
>> to do something? It acts more like a glorified shout channel. Also, when
>> we are planning kakis only activities and have to resort to guildsay to
>> communicate, random goons might join in, and ruin the experience for us.
>Agree. Pple like Maquis is so damn ya ya, and seem like he is stealing
>kill from some guild members. Bram for sure hate this guys. And the local
>kakis definitely got more activites organised than the total number of
>guild activities held since the guild is formed day one I guess, hehe.
>> As a result, I propose that we get this thing together and prepare for
>> the guild formation by Wednesday.
>*Rise his 2 hands, 2 legs and his....* Pls draft out the guild email and
>we all send a copy to EQ (need 10 min to form a guild).
>> Basically, what I want you to do is answer this question:
>> Quit QHD and form a local kaki guild, yay or nay?
>> Then these question if you say yay:
>> Who should be the goondu in charge?
>Not me of coz. Handling UO guild for more than 1.5 yrs is more than enuff
>for me. Nevertheless I will still support and contribute my assistance to
>the GOON-IN-CHARGE. hehe.
>> Who should be the officals for recruiting?
>Anyone will do, PROVIDED we have a guideline on what players to recruit.
> Preferably someone of higher lvls (at least can survive to reach the
>candidates and recruit them la. If died on the way to recruit candidates,
>damn no face, hehe). And I suggest not more than 5 recruiting officers.
> Each recruitment MUST be recommended by an exisiting members of membership
>not less than 1 week. No any tom, dick, harry suga suga join the guild and
>introduce his big gang of 20 kakis into the guild and mess up the whole
>thing. I hope to see some kinda council formed to make certain kinda major
>decisions for the guild, like to approve or not approve certain candidates
>as members, mass hunting etc. It's always good to have odd numbers of pple
>in the council, so when different views arised, majority vote will win.
>So, simply, my proposal:
>- GIC (Goon-In-Charge). MUST be someone who is DAMN free (look out for
>those who can power train several chars in same or diff servers, OR someone
>who can play when working).
>- Elders council (including GIC to make up odd number of council members so
>tat we can vote when different views arise).
>- Officers (It may be good idea to make officer from players of all lvls -
>eg 10, 20, 30, 40, so tat officers of diff lvls can hunt with the
>potiential candidates of relevant lvls to see if they r worthy to join our
>> The charter, who is willing to type it?
>GIC or the next player who is very free.
>> Website, for the thousand time, anyone can get one ASAP?
>GIC or the 3rd player who is very free
>> Recruting guidlines, think, and give me your opinion.
>- NO KILL STEALING. Nuking/Camping is ok thou' ;) I dun wanna be a
>all-times nice guys, true nuetral most of the time. For the sake of the
>guild, at most I can be Neutral Good alignment.
>- Willing to commit and stay loyal to the guild.
>- Wanna set some minimal lvl for member entry? Otherwise some lvl 1 newbie
>just join us, saying he will stay loyal forever, got protection, training
>and stuffs from us and then say bye bye to the guild, simply becoz he has
>got what he want from the guild. How abt someone of min 4th circle (eg lvl
>12 for wiz). 4th circle is normally the lvl where a char start to achieve
>some 'power' for his class. Just a suggestion ;)
>- Team-players. When grping, dun anyhow loot and stealing loot. Group
>discipline is impt and must be observed all time.
>- Helpful to other grp members (not to the extend of baby sitting la)
>Ziltus Planeswalker
>Been busy camping stuffs for my new Druid char over the weekends. Back to
>'normal' now, starting his "hell training' tonight for lvl 30....
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