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Message ID: 1790
Date: Sun Aug 15 07:14:27 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: SG kakis guild, MUST READ and MUST reply.

General opinion of our SG kakis, whose names shall be hidden, states
that we, want a SG kaki guild, by next week.

Why? Shouldn't QHD be enough? Could be the question you are going to
throw at me later, and I'll answer them AGAIN.

QHD has several lamers these days, and on top of that, it's hyper
inactive in activities. When was the last time, the guild got together
to do something? It acts more like a glorified shout channel. Also, when
we are planning kakis only activities and have to resort to guildsay to
communicate, random goons might join in, and ruin the experience for us.

As a result, I propose that we get this thing together and prepare for
the guild formation by Wednesday.

Basically, what I want you to do is answer this question:

Quit QHD and form a local kaki guild, yay or nay?

Then these question if you say yay:

Who should be the goondu in charge?

Who should be the officals for recruiting?

The charter, who is willing to type it?

Website, for the thousand time, anyone can get one ASAP?

Recruting guidlines, think, and give me your opinion.