Entreri wrote:
Its time for us to know whoes play on what server.Please state your Chr's
Nick and Server you play in.Thx in Advance.This are the few servers I know
SG players play in.PS:SG is not sand giant players,dont be mistaken :) I
will just fill up those i know,others plz fill up..thx!
Nalfien DE WIZ
Sunblade EF Ranger
Ziltus HE Wizard
Kallesh DE Necro
Nicademous DE Necro
Kalandra HE Magician
Yiyang HU Monk
Fesse HE Cleric
Einan HE Cleric
Aaleku DW Paladin
Garren HU Paladin
Merns Eru Wizard
Arkana Eru Necro
Kailligan HU Cleric
Yuffie HE Cleric
Melodeuss WE Bard
Arkana Eru Necro
Mazy ER Wizard
Kvalnir EL Druid
Tamade ?
Mobster ?
Feilong HU Monk
Vallon Zek------------------
Mobby, DE enchanter
Kanina, DE rogue
Arkana Hu Monk
Kaltorak DE enchanter
Tallon Zek-------------------
Cazic Thule--------------------
Ungaroth Troll SK
Entreri Email:
ICQ UIN: 2326860
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