Glowing crook is 2HB, screaming mace can pair with shield mah ;)
On Friday, 13 August, 1999 6:10 PM, Sereph Perangon [SMTP:garford@...] wrote:
> From: "Sereph Perangon" <garford@...>
> Screming mace? CHEY! I using glowing crook now, dmg better, drool on what???
> Fesstella Kregain Estasis
> >From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: "'* Singapore EQ Mailing List'" <>
> >Subject: [sg-everquest] REMINDER: Mission WRJ tonight 11.00PM
> >Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 09:33:03 +0800
> >
> >From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> >
> >Kindly be reminded that the WCR/RTS/JKS hunt is tonight (Friday) 11.00PM at
> >North Karana Guard Tower next to zone to South Karana.
> >
> >Pls get ya food/drink/spell reagents rdy. No gating service will be
> >available once we reach Lake Rathetear (in order not to waste everybody's
> >time). But we still welcome u to join us later if u cant make it at 11pm
> >and u know the way. If not, pai seh la ;)
> >
> >For those who dunno the place, pls arrange with other kakis to bring u
> >there, or meet me at Felwithe gate at 10.45PM (take a boat from FP to GF at
> >10pm, u shld be able to reach GH by 10.45pm), I will open portal to NK
> >(left 1 bubb to lvl 29 and I will login 2 hrs b4 the hunt to lvl, all
> >useful lvl 29 scolls are waiting for me in my bank liao, hehe).
> >
> >If the response is good, everyone behave themselves, I will organise the
> >next trip to Crush Bone, charging for:
> >- Dragoon Dirk (wowowo)
> >- Dwarven Chain (better than bronze breastplate? since it give +8 sv to
> >all)
> >- Shining Bass Shield (ok, welcome to Ziltus Hill, hehe)
> >- Screaming Mace (huh, Fesse start to drip saliver?), ONLY IF time allows
> >AND we have more than enuff artifact for the quest ;)
> >
> >I hope the lvl 30 will also spend a night or so to participate in such
> >hunting (maybe we make Friday night an office LOOTING GATHERING?). Thou we
> >dun gain anything from it, but at least it will be something different from
> >our routine hunting, gaining xp, kill kill kill only. Most impt of all,
> >our own kakis can get together and play together. Afterall, play game is
> >for the sake of having fun and knowing more ppls, hehe.
> >
> >Ziltus
> >Commander - Mission WRJ
> >
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> >
> >You can WIN $100 to by starting a new list at ONElist.
> >Drawing is held each week through August 20. For details, go to
> >
> >
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