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Message ID: 1732
Date: Thu Aug 12 16:26:46 BST 1999
Author: Diablo
Subject: Re: Wizard talk

Currently my equipment still sucks big time, Erudite with only 173 int.
(base 142) Ack.

For level 35 onwards, i can only give a hint coz that place is simply
awesome. No chance of deaths + awesome xp + good loot . I am not sure if it
is awesome xp but leveling level 35 to 36 (supposed to be hell level from
what I heard) in 2 days (5 hrs playing time each day) should be quite good.

My friend who told me the place leveled from 35 to 41 in a week and a
half so that should be good xp. It drops box of abu'kar (10 slots weightless
container [note: it doesnt disappear after you log off]), level 34 runes &
words, up to 4pp ++ , ringmail armor. I got 2 boxes of abu'kar after killing
like 2 days only.

HINT: Search in East Karana near Beholder zone. And if you do find it, try
to keep that place quiet in Innoruuk with your friends and dont make it
into a treant camp.

Level 36 Wizard
----- Original Message -----
From: Cogar <cogar@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 1999 7:07 PM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Wizard talk

> From: Cogar <cogar@...>
> Hiya all, will like to know if anyone has an intelligent
> more than 186? If you do can u share with us the items you have? Thanks
> BTW, the treant tip given by diablo is real nice, great exp,
> great loot and no faction loss( may be a bug). Diablo, so have u
> discovered anymore such cool places for lvl 35 and up?
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