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Message ID: 1691
Date: Thu Aug 12 10:52:36 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: Just joined

Well, my lvl 39(exact XP condition before she "died", means, will hit 40 in 2 weeks if I play there) enchanter was recently revived at
Cazic after sending treatening e-mails to Verant, but it NAKED. Else, no one is on Cazic.

Sabella Anna Estasis, currently banging head against the wall for the lost of 1000plat of equipment.

kwchow@... wrote:

> From: kwchow@...
> Hi All,
> Just joined this after hearing from Kalandra of Innoruuk about this place.
> Currently I appear on Innoruuk as Yuffie the Cleric or Melodeuss the Bard. Or Ungaroth the TSK on Cazic Thule if anybody plays there.
> Give me a tell if you are looking for a party or questing, goodluck and Gud Bashing!
> EQ Addict
> P.S Currently having problems trying to subscribe and suffering from withdrawal symptoms :(
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