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Message ID: 1676
Date: Thu Aug 12 01:09:04 BST 1999
Author: Ebon Praetor
Subject: Re: Race war & New Char

> From: Sereph <garford@...>

> Erudin->Qeynos->Qeynos Hills->West Karanas->North Karanas-
> East Karanas->High
> Hold(or Beholder's Maze)-> Kithicor Forest(or Runnynose->Kithicor Forest)->West
> Commanlands->East Commonlands->West Freeport.

The most dangerous part of the journey is Highpass Hold (if you
take the HH route)... got BIG BIG orcs, but nowhere to run, and
hard to see them coming. The other areas all big open spaces, can
see things for miles away. But then again, human at night...
hmmm.... *heh*

Anyway, I'm currently based around South Karana, so when you
make the run, I can hook up with you in NK or WK. Then we can
start the Power Levelling Enchanter-style.


Love is in the air...
Get me a gas mask, quick!!!


ICQ 1767778