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Message ID: 1653
Date: Tue Aug 10 23:52:29 BST 1999
Author: Dexter Wong
Subject: Re: Race war

Im playing at VZ also...but Im a human dont think any of U all playing
humans right? :(

At 09:19 AM 8/10/1999 PDT, you wrote:
>From: "Tan Lychin" <raterak@...>
> Ehhh so who's in Vallon Zek right now? I never see any of you in leh...
>only me and ma 2 classmates
> You all gonna stay in the carebear server or waiting for 3rd race war
>server ar?
> If there is anyone playing in Vallon Zek, pls update this list
>Valon, level 7 Dark elf cleric (ma friend)
>Nael, level 8 Dark elf warrior (ma friend)
>Naplass, level 9 Dark elf wizard (that's me)
Arkana, level 8 Human Monk
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>Singapore Everquest Players List

/ ^ _ \
( (o) (o) )
| Dexter Wong |
| dexterw@... |
| chocoboo@... |
| ICQ Uni:1301686 |
|http://home3.pacific.net.sg/~dexterw |
.oooO ( |
( ) ) /
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