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Message ID: 1639
Date: Tue Aug 10 17:00:10 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: EQ Servers down..

Okay, since the server is still down, despite me traveling half of
S'pore for supper and took a taxi back, so stuff about the local SG
community and EQ in general

As we know, more and more kakis are getting unhappy about QHD, due to
the sheer number of newbies, lamers and goons there.

Now, for this again. The grand resurrection of the SG kakis guild!
*starts to hear ppl groaning*

Oi! All get a bit alive leh, and stop leaving the hall, or else!
*flashes 2 dual-bladed dicoted katanas*

Good, now sit down and listen. We currently got these problems:

1: Existing goons in QHD how???
2: Kakis not united leh, how???
3. Server getting conjested how???

For 1, I suggest that if enough people here wishes to quit QHD and form
a local guild, we all gather at the wizard spire in NK, and get Ling to
teleport Wylven there, and we talk to him, face to face, about leaving.

2, We SG kakis are not really united as a whole. All run here run there,
rarely got chance to meet each other, and on top of that. Only when they
get drag, do we see them.

3. As all you people know, Innoruuk is getting very congested, and
several places are made dangerous, due to the high level people, camping
items for their friends. If a local guild is to be form, will be still
be in Innoruuk, or change to a new server, and restart anew, with each
kaki helping one another out from the start.

Finally, I have to yell this out again. WHO THE FISH HAS FREE WEBSPACE

I'm getting some web servers for reselling purpose and if this is not
done soon, I'll keep one of the server, and we'll split up the
maintanace fee of it.

NOTE: This is NOT that big change I'm talking about. Just a minor step
to getting more organise.

Sereph wrote:

> Expected. I wait for the server to kick me out(got a ton of summon
> food and water, don't want to waste them) then went for supper with my
> "SO".
> Synzzz wrote:
>> Yeah, Just in case any of you don't know..the damned servers are
>> down..and at 2220 hrs Verant Techs senta system wide msg stating
>> that they are "sorry" but had underestimated the time needed...and
>> yesit would probably take another 3 hrs!!!! WTF??? I can only play
>> from 10pm to 1am most days and that isat BEST. I usually play less
>> than that (excluding weekends) and it HAD to be down during those
>> rare 3 hrs i can play..GOD....I'm already starting to lag behind in
>> levelling if u ask me...compared to those ppl with more
>> time.."damned Verant damned Verant" (Chant after me!) ok..so
>> anyway..wish you guys fun..i'm probably gonna sleep soon if they
>> don't come back on soon. Yeah i need sleep.Work 11-12 hrs a day and
>> it's not an office job type. Pissed Regards,Zand