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Message ID: 1621
Date: Tue Aug 10 15:27:54 BST 1999
Author: Synzzz
Subject: EQ Servers down..


Just in case any of you don't know..the damned servers are down..and at 2220 hrs Verant Techs sent
a system wide msg stating that they are "sorry" but had underestimated the time needed...and yes
it would probably take another 3 hrs!!!! WTF??? I can only play from 10pm to 1am most days and that is
at BEST. I usually play less than that (excluding weekends) and it HAD to be down during those rare 3 hrs i can play..
I'm already starting to lag behind in levelling if u ask me...compared to those ppl with more time.."damned Verant damned Verant" (Chant after me!)

ok..so anyway..wish you guys fun..i'm probably gonna sleep soon if they don't come back on soon. Yeah i need sleep.
Work 11-12 hrs a day and it's not an office job type.

Pissed Regards,