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Message ID: 1600
Date: Mon Aug 9 06:19:19 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: Farewell

Fare thee well,

we willl be here when u come back. go relax , charge up and come back and
SOW us up !
btw, u can leave all your pp behind with me , the stuff i'll sell them off .
Your bro , sereph will give him the royal treatment. no worries.

Cya soon,

at Nek forest drinkin blood of DE

-----Original Message-----
From: whirlnuc <whirlnuc@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Monday, August 09, 1999 9:30 AM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Farewell

>From: whirlnuc <whirlnuc@...>
>Just inform u guys tat im going for a 1 mth detachment program starting
>tomolo. So there will be no EQ for me for a one month period. During
>this time if u find me logged on, tat most likely to be my brother
>Oh yes, he has a lvl 13 ranger called Bien, just binded yesterday at FP.
>Hope u all can guided him along as he's not as knowledgeable as me (Well
>let me boast a bit lah).
>Fesse take care of him ah and dont do anything "improper" to him :)
>And yes Garren u naughty boy , always run away from me ah, how to pay u
>back the money!!! U know i pass the money to YY liao so get from him ah.
>Hope by the time i come back , the debt is cleared or i go yur house to
>paste poster and chain up yur house.
>Well tat's all folks see u all 1 mth later and once again thank all who
>help me this pass few months .8)
>Trifrost 5th Hexes of Voodoo Circle.
>P.S Dont worry i'll bring my bear hat along to play during my detachment
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