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Message ID: 1583
Date: Fri Aug 6 05:41:50 BST 1999
Author: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
Subject: Re: Vallon Zek List and latest...

pls note hor i wont be active in VZ... i just create a char to help out u
guys to create the guild... only go there once in awhile so u will find me
very low level... kekeke...

another thing... anyone of u guys thats a Officer from QHD and is be around
freeport tonite? need u to remove me from the guild and ive tried... only
officer can remove or guildmaster... and have to be in the same zone i

i will leave my enchater (also non active) be in QHD just for the sake of
it... otherwisei think this guild is just another Higher Order of Arcane
Arts.... gone...

YES! finally its the weekend... 2 days of continuous playing!
----- Original Message -----
From: Chen Lizhi <polarcoordinates@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Friday, August 06, 1999 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Vallon Zek List and latest...

> From: "Chen Lizhi" <polarcoordinates@...>
> 1.Elveran[Kenven aka Entreri yes,I use wizard :)] Wizard:level2
> 2.Starstone[sunblade]
> 3.Viva[Nicademous]
> 4.Apathaz[Ziltus]
> 5.Lizhi[Napless] Wizard[I switch to Wiz. liao) 5
> Fill in the rest
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