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Message ID: 1577
Date: Fri Aug 6 04:18:32 BST 1999
Author: Gary Qui Hong Loong
Subject: Re: The GUK Trip.

I just want Ghoulbane. heheh
----- Original Message -----
From: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
To: SG-Everquest Mailing List
Sent: Friday, August 06, 1999 06:27
Subject: [sg-everquest] The GUK Trip.

ok, alot of stuff is wanted by everyone, so we better work something out becos its obvious that we may (or even maynot) get one of those stuff and everyone wants them. Judging from this, maybe i should just go n work on my levels instead of getting items since everyone wants so many things... how bout everyone just is able to list ONE item that he really really wants... or several of lesser value... otherwise the trip is gonna turn out to be more of a nitemare than benefit for us...

p/s : i think those that want stuff for their 2nd or 3rd char is unfair... bcos theres just too many folks queueing up for the stuff... unless u want to bring ya 2nd or 3rd char along then thats another story. thats wat i think... pls feedback...
SC Cheng, Freddy
Mobile-Internet Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratory,
NTT DoCoMo R&D Center C212,
3-5, Hikari no Oka, Yokosuka-Shi,
Kanagawa, 239-8536, Japan
Tel : +81 468-40-3497
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Email : sccheng@...