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Message ID: 1540
Date: Thu Aug 5 04:27:28 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: Guk Raid on National Day

Anything you DON'T want?

LKW wrote:

> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> I'm still wearing the stuffs I used to have at lvl 16, with the exception
> of BI Medallion which I got from a 'rich man' last night, hehe.
> Basically all those which can be used by wiz I also want. Those cannot be
> used by me, but got extra, which I can sell, I also dun mind taking up,
> hehe. I need to max out my smithing skill ASAP, now at skill 105 I think,
> which only allow me to make banded gorget and bracer with 80% sucessful
> rate. Kinda discouraged to fail making boots as a master smith, sigh.
> Anyway, here's wat I want ;)
> Woven parts- W2
> Crown of the Froglock Kings(Can attempt to try) - W2
> Shimmering Orb - W2
> Bracelet of Woven Grass - W2
> Serpentine Bracer (another maybe) - W2
> Elf Hide Gloves - S2/W2
> Flowing Black Silk Sash (another maybe) - S2/W2
> Embroidered Black Cape (another maybe) - W2
> Adamantite stuff - W2
> Collar of Undead Protection - W2
> Gatorscale stuff - W2 (dunno if I can use, but heck care, grab 1st, hehe)
> Sack that reduce 80% weight - W2
> Guise of the Deceiver (Maybe........) - W2
> Azure Sleeves (maybe) - W2
> Mesh stuff - W2
> Runed Bone Fork - S2/W2
> Ziltus
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