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Message ID: 1527
Date: Wed Aug 4 11:51:24 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Skull of Jhen & Dragoon Dirk.

> well, we can always do that when u guys are free... just gimme a tell on
> when u r free... i should be online almost all the time over the

K, but I normally go Felwithe only when 1 hr or so b4 I log (to sell
stuffs, unload, buy supplies, reload, logout), so expect to do it late
night. Anyway I think u shld have no prob, since u sleep in office, hehe.

> no i am not complaining that u (LKW) didnt give me stuff... i only to
> mention that theres no guild unity in QHD at all... since someone having
> like 5 RTS dont even bother to give it to others and keep insiting on
> money... as for lake rathetear... i guess when i have reached the level
> if i am not wrong, pls correct)... u can show me the area and i can get
> myself... no worries on that one...

Dun worry I understand, just pull ya leg.
Just that u also have to understand tat unlike our UO guild, where all
members meet and hunt togather, our current guild dun have so much contact
and not tat close (except amg local kakis). So sometime it's not easy for
them to part with such stuffs to members which they may not even hunt with
b4. Even for myself, if non-local member ask me for free RTS, I will ask
him to fly kite (hehe but I won't go ard annouce I got 5 RTS in guardsay in
the first place). I will only secret tell those local kakis whom I know
can use them and most probably want them - just like those who get msg from
me for free RTS and free skulls. Basically the main problem I think is tat
we are not close to other members in the group except for our own local
kakis and friends (like flyingfox hunt with me almost every night), the
rest I dun even meet them b4 ;)

> i am now 1 bubbble away from level 18 and hope to get to level 20 or 21
> the weekend... from then i will start to hunt aviaks... which i strongly
> believe i can solo em until level 24-25... thast wat i heard... then the
> treant hunting starts...

The only problem with soloing is tat u may have to fight for kill with
others. If a wiz of not less than a circle lvl is there, u are as good as
hopeless if he dun choose to share. On the other hand, u have an upper
hand over tankers, hehe. I start soloing at lvl 21 or 22, cant remember,
using the root & nuke tactics. I also know some stealer magi who solo at
20 with their pets (read the word STEAL, that mean they make use of others
to get XP). I guess there are few kakis close lvl to yours and u guys shld
try to form a group for hunting instead of soloing. There is a 3 bird
tower there, where 3 bird spawn at same time. If u lose kill in soloing,
just for a group of 3 to hunt there, the reture is the same - 3 bird for 3
chars VS 1 bird for 1 char ;) If a wiz can solo 3 birds in lake, the place
will give him no xp ;)

> hmmm... let see wat else did i miss... oh yea... words... if anyone of u
> guys come across necro words... pls kindly keep em for me... as my
> have just began.... and pls refer to the follow passge for research
> information...

I'm not sure if everyone know it, u dun have to BUY all the spells:
- Ultility spells, buy only those tat u MIGHT use (eg buying light spell
for DE with ultravision is a waste).
- Dam spells, buy only those that u will place in ya spell icons (eg I dun
buy AE spells and even when I buy for my 1st 2 circle, I never use them -
no chance to memo them, which is a waster of money, only make me die
- Check the site for those spells not available in your guild, are they
been casted by other classes? If yes, u can buy instead of research. So
far I buy those useful spells that need wiz to research from other classes'
guilds - enstill from cleric guild, leviate from druid guild etc. When
there is a faster, cheaper and easier way to get a spell, why not? ;)

Also, I dun undertstand what u mean by the research rquest. Do u mean
finding the correct ingredient to make new spells? If that's the case, dun
bother, there are some site that give all the research info. No need to
learn languages.


> Research for Good Alignment
> This quest will make it easier for the good aligned researchers gain
> experience in Research rather than wasting precious runes that would be
> value to create real spells. The quest begins (and ends, really) with
> Mrysila of the Gypsy camp in North Karanas (Loc -672, -162). Hail her,
> will talk to you about the [Concordance of Research] and it's sister
> Runes and Research Volumes one and two. Then tell her you are
> in researching spells. If you bring her a lightstone, she will give you
> whichever book she has more of at the moment. If you bring her a Greater
> Lightstone, she will give you the Concordance of Research, which is the
> used to combine the items much like the Lexicon. To view the recipe
> click on the appropriate book links here.
> Research for Evil Alignment
> Within the Desert of South Ro (loc +100, +500. Straight South from the
> of Marr zoneline), there is a camp with a female Teir'Dal, named Smith
> Tv'ysa, selling research assistance items. In exchange for a Greater
> Lightstone, you get a Concordance of Research Tome, which has spaces to
> combine items much like the Lexicon. If you give her a few lightstones,
> will give you the Runes and Research Tomes Volumes one and two.
> the reference web site is...
> http://www.graffe.com/
> -------------------------
> hope this helps...
> Nicademous
> Dark Elf Necromancer that is currently pissed with QHD bcos they are just
> too many 'kids' in there...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 1999 10:22 AM
> Subject: RE: [sg-everquest] Skull of Jhen & Dragoon Dirk.
> > From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> >
> > 1. You dun have to kill dvinn, u just have to wait for me to kill for
> > probably u can wait at CB entrance and I will call u in to loot once I
> > one. Find a time during weekend, I can teleport there pretty fast ;)
> >
> > 2. I've given u RTS right? Hehe, we all practice 'family pass down', no
> > worry, once we upgrade our stuffs, sure pass down. Btw, if u can come
> > Lake Rathetear, I can help u get a skull FOC. Again this is lore item,
> > can't loot anymore since I already got 1 on me. I throw away quite
> of
> > skulls and RTSs so far at gnoll camp, kinda wasted (can tell how happy
> > those lvl 12 to 20 who wander there for free stuffs, heh). Too bad I
> > go Lake anymore coz the aviak guards no longer give me xp. But when I
> > I will annouce in guildsay. Meanwhile just go and find out how to go
> > 1st, in case I give u a call, hehe.
> >
> > 3. For all kakis between lvl 18 to 20, you can form a group of 3-6
> > and hunt whole day in Lake Rathetear until lvl 26, or solo when u reach
> lvl
> > 22 or so. It's a pretty safe place to hunt as the are 1 bird, 2 birds
> > 3 birds camps. Depending how many pple in ya group, u jus go to the
> > place.
> >
> > 4. I tried to hunt webclaw yesterday but he disappear once I root him
> > targeting just disappear after I see the rooted msg). Anyone know
> he
> > spawn so that I can root and nuke him once he is out? How to lure him
> to
> > land if that is possible, since I get disturbed often in water with
> > 135 ;(. Thx.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, 03 August, 1999 11:58 AM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
> > [SMTP:sccheng@...] wrote:
> > > Hi guys,
> > > just wondering any of u guys is having this item is going to get rid
> > it as u r upgrading to something else? also, can anyone tell me where
> > hunt for the skull? I know that the dragoon dirk can only be from
> > that i cant get bcos theses killing the crushbone orcs (esp dvinn) will
> > lower my faction with the indigoo brotherhood (thast neriak gaurds)...
> > someone willing to help me out on this one?
> > >
> > > cheers,
> > > Nicademous
> > > Currently level 17 Dark Elf Necromancer thast hoping to get level 20
> > end of this weekend.
> > >
> >
> > --------------------
> > > SC Cheng, Freddy
> > > Mobile-Internet Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratory,
> > > NTT DoCoMo R&D Center C212,
> > > 3-5, Hikari no Oka, Yokosuka-Shi,
> > > Kanagawa, 239-8536, Japan
> > > Tel : +81 468-40-3497
> > > Fax: +81 468-40-3788
> > > Email : sccheng@...
> > > << File: ATT00000.html >> << File: Cheng, Shan Chieh.vcf >>
> >
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