1. You dun have to kill dvinn, u just have to wait for me to kill for u,
probably u can wait at CB entrance and I will call u in to loot once I got
one. Find a time during weekend, I can teleport there pretty fast ;)
2. I've given u RTS right? Hehe, we all practice 'family pass down', no
worry, once we upgrade our stuffs, sure pass down. Btw, if u can come to
Lake Rathetear, I can help u get a skull FOC. Again this is lore item, I
can't loot anymore since I already got 1 on me. I throw away quite alot of
skulls and RTSs so far at gnoll camp, kinda wasted (can tell how happy
those lvl 12 to 20 who wander there for free stuffs, heh). Too bad I dun
go Lake anymore coz the aviak guards no longer give me xp. But when I go,
I will annouce in guildsay. Meanwhile just go and find out how to go Lake
1st, in case I give u a call, hehe.
3. For all kakis between lvl 18 to 20, you can form a group of 3-6 pple
and hunt whole day in Lake Rathetear until lvl 26, or solo when u reach lvl
22 or so. It's a pretty safe place to hunt as the are 1 bird, 2 birds and
3 birds camps. Depending how many pple in ya group, u jus go to the right
4. I tried to hunt webclaw yesterday but he disappear once I root him (the
targeting just disappear after I see the rooted msg). Anyone know where he
spawn so that I can root and nuke him once he is out? How to lure him up to
land if that is possible, since I get disturbed often in water with skill
135 ;(. Thx.
On Tuesday, 03 August, 1999 11:58 AM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
sccheng@...] wrote:
> Hi guys,
> just wondering any of u guys is having this item is going to get rid of
it as u r upgrading to something else? also, can anyone tell me where to
hunt for the skull? I know that the dragoon dirk can only be from Dvinn...
that i cant get bcos theses killing the crushbone orcs (esp dvinn) will
lower my faction with the indigoo brotherhood (thast neriak gaurds)... so
someone willing to help me out on this one?
> cheers,
> Nicademous
> Currently level 17 Dark Elf Necromancer thast hoping to get level 20 by
end of this weekend.
> SC Cheng, Freddy
> Mobile-Internet Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratory,
> NTT DoCoMo R&D Center C212,
> 3-5, Hikari no Oka, Yokosuka-Shi,
> Kanagawa, 239-8536, Japan
> Tel : +81 468-40-3497
> Fax: +81 468-40-3788
> Email : sccheng@...
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