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Message ID: 1510
Date: Mon Aug 2 14:51:05 BST 1999
Author: Diablo
Subject: Re: Treant Hunting
----- Original Message -----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: '* Singapore EQ Mailing List' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Monday, August 02, 1999 9:18 AM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Treant Hunting
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> Yep, the place has good xp, but not really good loot. Coins are good, up
> to 3pp, but I dun get any magical artifacts or fine steel weaps. Worse is
> the faction msg I got, feel kinda uneasy. So in the end hunt for 1 hr
> Flyingfox and ciao liao.
> For those who dun bother abt faction (mainly with the druids), the trees
> are lvl 24 to 28 I think. They cast swarming which is a DoT spell, as
> as AE spells (have to run away from those burning areas will do). Most
> impt is to have 2 faster nukers - we try with a lvl 26 wiz, a lvl 24 magi
> and a lvl 24 earth pet, quite easy as the mobs have low HP. 2 casts from
> each of us, at most, will slain 1 tree, while the pet tank. The trees
> spawn in pair, at specific location.
> Personally speaking I think they hit very hard, the earth pet always
> less than 40% HP after every battle and the trees spawn faster than we can
> recover (mainly have to wait for pet to regain HP). Other than coins,
> also give wood shards (anyone know wat it's for?) and light stone (can
> at 1pp to PC and 9gp to NPC).
> If you are interested to hunt for some quick XP, here is the loc:
> When you zone from NK to SK, turn left and run all the way. The camp is
> somewhere 2-3 screen from the leftmost corner. It's often filled with DE
> casters as they dun really bother about the faction.
> Good luck.
> Ziltus (7th circle nuker)
> p/s: Anyone can suggest a good hunting ground for a lvl 26 wiz and lvl 24
> magi combo (with a lvl 24 pet if necessary)? Places with random
> spawns/trains are not suitable for us (eg dungeons), our death experiences
> have tested it ;) Preferably some camps with fixed mobs, good xp and good
> loot, hehe, say between lvl 24 to lvl 28 mobs (we can get more pple if the
> mobs are of higher lvls). Thx.
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