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Message ID: 1498
Date: Mon Aug 2 02:18:12 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Treant Hunting

Yep, the place has good xp, but not really good loot. Coins are good, up
to 3pp, but I dun get any magical artifacts or fine steel weaps. Worse is
the faction msg I got, feel kinda uneasy. So in the end hunt for 1 hr with
Flyingfox and ciao liao.

For those who dun bother abt faction (mainly with the druids), the trees
are lvl 24 to 28 I think. They cast swarming which is a DoT spell, as well
as AE spells (have to run away from those burning areas will do). Most
impt is to have 2 faster nukers - we try with a lvl 26 wiz, a lvl 24 magi
and a lvl 24 earth pet, quite easy as the mobs have low HP. 2 casts from
each of us, at most, will slain 1 tree, while the pet tank. The trees
spawn in pair, at specific location.

Personally speaking I think they hit very hard, the earth pet always leaves
less than 40% HP after every battle and the trees spawn faster than we can
recover (mainly have to wait for pet to regain HP). Other than coins, they
also give wood shards (anyone know wat it's for?) and light stone (can sell
at 1pp to PC and 9gp to NPC).

If you are interested to hunt for some quick XP, here is the loc:
When you zone from NK to SK, turn left and run all the way. The camp is
somewhere 2-3 screen from the leftmost corner. It's often filled with DE
casters as they dun really bother about the faction.

Good luck.

Ziltus (7th circle nuker)

p/s: Anyone can suggest a good hunting ground for a lvl 26 wiz and lvl 24
magi combo (with a lvl 24 pet if necessary)? Places with random
spawns/trains are not suitable for us (eg dungeons), our death experiences
have tested it ;) Preferably some camps with fixed mobs, good xp and good
loot, hehe, say between lvl 24 to lvl 28 mobs (we can get more pple if the
mobs are of higher lvls). Thx.