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Message ID: 1270
Date: Thu Jul 15 08:21:48 BST 1999
Author: Leshrec
Subject: Re: Spell Research, Specialization & Trade Skills
>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>1. How do I go about researching spells. Do I really need to buy those
>books, in the sense that the books are PART of the ingredients in
>researching spells or they are just for info purpose? If I can find the
>info for the spell from internet I dun need those books right?
>2. How do I go abt DOING spell research. Say for wiz I got the runes
>required for a certain spell, how do I go abt 'mixing' the runes? Is there
>any container I need to find like brewing barrel or forge, put the runes
>inside and click 'COMBINE'?
>3. I heard from Leshrec tat we can now put a point on all specialization of
>magery skills, ie evoke, adjure, conjure, divin, alter. That's what I've
>done. However, out of 5 skills, my main concern is on evoke (afterall I'm
>a nuker mah). How to I go abt 'specializing' in evoke?
>4. I intend to go into tailoring skill once I max out my smith. Can I know
>other than tailoring skill tat can 'mix' with smithing skill, is there any
>other skills which can work along with smith skill?
>5. Is enchanter the only class that can made 'enchanted' jewelry? Say if I
>train jewelry skills using non-enchanted metal (eg silver), can I rise the
>jewelcraft skill? So once I can make a certain jewelry with pretty high
>successful rate, I can buy those 'enchanted' metal from enchanters and make
>'enchanted' jewelry myself? OR I must make an enchanters char to make
>'enchanted' jewelry?
>6. Anyone got any tips on trade skills like tailoring, jewelcrafting, etc?
> Particularly those 'throw-PP-into-drain-kinda power-training", hehe.
>Ziltus (the future Grandmaster of all Trades, hehe)
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