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Message ID: 1265
Date: Fri Jul 16 06:35:09 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: Spell Research, Specialization & Trade Skills

1. Book only contain recipe, and yes, they are only for info purpose. BUT, if
you have the book, your chance in researching the spell will increase.

2. Buy the research book of your class (don't ask me for the name, I only know
enchanter's stuff) throw in the runes and hit combine. Sacrifice a goat to the
random number generator and pray that a scroll comes out. (I've dump in at
least 500 plat into research and I still fail at researching lvl 16 spells.

3. Dump 1 point into all 5 magical specialization, then dump one more into the
one you want to specialize.

4. Cooking

5. You can raise your skills making normal jewelry and can make enchanted
jewelry by asking an enchanter to enchant the metal for you. BUT enchanters
have a special class bonus in making enchanted jewelry.

6. There are 2 more than can make money by selling to NPCs. Cooking and
Pottery. Cooking you do it in Rivervale. Go to the lake there and fish, then
use the fish to make fish fillets. around 5 gold profit per fillet sold.
Pottery is a trade skill that I gave up on. Unless you go to Halas, I can't
tahan trying to find the bloody merchant that sell firing sheets in e-commons.
The goon is always on his roof

Sereph Parangon, Bard who needs a fast weapon urgently. Offers 24hrs parang
sharpaning service, 24hrs secret society protection and guild representative
for all running activities in the upcoming Norath Olympics.

LKW wrote:

> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> 1. How do I go about researching spells. Do I really need to buy those
> books, in the sense that the books are PART of the ingredients in
> researching spells or they are just for info purpose? If I can find the
> info for the spell from internet I dun need those books right?
> 2. How do I go abt DOING spell research. Say for wiz I got the runes
> required for a certain spell, how do I go abt 'mixing' the runes? Is there
> any container I need to find like brewing barrel or forge, put the runes
> inside and click 'COMBINE'?
> 3. I heard from Leshrec tat we can now put a point on all specialization of
> magery skills, ie evoke, adjure, conjure, divin, alter. That's what I've
> done. However, out of 5 skills, my main concern is on evoke (afterall I'm
> a nuker mah). How to I go abt 'specializing' in evoke?
> 4. I intend to go into tailoring skill once I max out my smith. Can I know
> other than tailoring skill tat can 'mix' with smithing skill, is there any
> other skills which can work along with smith skill?
> 5. Is enchanter the only class that can made 'enchanted' jewelry? Say if I
> train jewelry skills using non-enchanted metal (eg silver), can I rise the
> jewelcraft skill? So once I can make a certain jewelry with pretty high
> successful rate, I can buy those 'enchanted' metal from enchanters and make
> 'enchanted' jewelry myself? OR I must make an enchanters char to make
> 'enchanted' jewelry?
> 6. Anyone got any tips on trade skills like tailoring, jewelcrafting, etc?
> Particularly those 'throw-PP-into-drain-kinda power-training", hehe.
> Ziltus (the future Grandmaster of all Trades, hehe)
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