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Message ID: 1256
Date: Thu Jul 15 11:58:28 BST 1999
Author: Dexter Wong
Subject: Re: Level7-10s MeetUp!!Leshrec and Zilty needed too!

Can guide me from Halas? Hehehe anyway if cannot I'll try to run to FP

At 03:52 PM 7/14/99 +0800, you wrote:
>From: "Leshrec" <leshrec@...>
>Hey good idea, I think I'll also contribute my part by binding for free for
>guild name ) Btw, I will be happy to guide anyone to FP from anywhere (cept
>Qeynos cos I hate that place). Just send a tell to Leshrec and I'll be there
>in a jiffy. This promotion only works from Friday onwards cos its weekends
>and I seldom log in much on weekdays.
>Leshrec Kalesk'Thor
>-----Original Message-----
>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>To: 'sg-everquest@onelist.com' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
>Date: Thursday, July 15, 1999 2:30 PM
>Subject: RE: [sg-everquest] Level7-10s MeetUp!!Leshrec and Zilty needed too!
>>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>>No problem man, nowadays I always make a shout to offer free bind (donation
>>also dun need) for any players who need it b4 I logout. I always mention
>>it's a community service from Qui Hoon Dai, heeh advertise for our guild.
>>On Wednesday, 14 July, 1999 9:06 PM, Entreri [SMTP:drizzt@...]
>>> Hi guys,
>>> lets meet up on Friday night...say 7-8pm? West Freeport.We could go hunt
>>Dervish in Westcommons or orcs in eastcommons.Whats ya nick ah Katorak?Oh
>>yah almost forgot,need leshrec and zilty there to bind us!! ;P
>>> Entreri
>>> Email: drizzt@...
>>> ICQ UIN: 2326860
>>> Previewer, Singularity Gaming Network
>>> http://www.sg-gaming.net
>>> Your Single Source of Everything Gaming
>>> .plan at
>>> http://www.wplan.com/cgibin/directplan.cgi?name=Entreri&viewpass=
>>> << File: ATT00000.html >>
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