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Message ID: 1226
Date: Wed Jul 14 10:38:32 BST 1999
Author: Entreri
Subject: Re: FFA

ok will buy the banded boot from ya coz I will be comming over on
Thursday[tommorow] to fp.

3bubs to 9!Argh
Kellindel 8th Circle Ranger


Email: drizzt@...
ICQ UIN: 2326860
Previewer, Singularity Gaming Network
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-----Original Message-----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: 'sg-everquest@onelist.com' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 2:43 PM
Subject: RE: [sg-everquest] FFA

>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>I'm at CB. I still got a pair of banded brac and a banded gorget. I'm
>thinking of selling each at 1pp for 1 ac, is the price reasonable? I know
>pple is selling at 1.5pp per ac. I do not intend to make anymore at this
>stage, maybe spend another 100pp making skewer till I get master smith.
> FYI so far I have spend 150pp making the following:
>- 1 banded boot
>- 2 banded gorget
>- 4 banded brac (ie 2 pairs)
>- less then 30 skewers
>- 30 to 40 scalar
>Now u see my 'cost' for making this banded stuffs, hehe. It's like
>throwing pp into the deep blue sea.
>Now I've got the stuffs (goss robe, dragoon dirk etc) and lvl (finally the
>turning point of a wiz) I need, I'm going to spend Thurs and Fri night
>maximizing my smithing skill. I got 90pp in bank, plus the hunting
>tonight, shld be able to save up up 100pp. Pls pray hard for me to max out
>my smithing skill so tat I can make cheap cheap banded stuffs for own
>kakis. FYI full set of banded is sold between 50-70pp, I think the cost is
>20-30pp. For local kakis, I sure sell at cost.
>Any rich guys (hint hint) who wish to contribute/sponsor me are most
>welcome. Btw, it tooks me 2-3 nights to get my skills up from 20 to 70
>now, with 150pp, and during this period FF actually rise a lvl above me
>when he used to be half to 1 lvl behind me. U can see the 'pain' I go
>thru' in training smithing, hehe.
>Ziltus (The Master Brewer and Half-F*** Smith)
>p/s: I will be leaving Felwithe tonight to FP and I wont return until I get
>lvl 24. All those who wanna go FP with me tonight pls give me a tell (esp
>Zanderion). The estimated time is to leave Felwithe gate at ard 12am
>midnight. If u need to buy anything from me, pls give me a tell b4 11.30pm
>and meet me at bank, thx.
>p/s: I will try to get a SBS after helping FF to get the Dirk tonight,
>provided I got time to camp at trainer hill. Dun expect too much, coz I
>used to kill 16 trainers b4 getting one SBS for Einan ;)
>On Wednesday, 14 July, 1999 2:21 PM, Entreri [SMTP:drizzt@...]
>> From: "Entreri" <drizzt@...>
>> YOUR AT CB?Sell me banded and another thing,got free SBS from u? ;P
>> Entreri
>> Email: drizzt@...
>> ICQ UIN: 2326860
>> Previewer, Singularity Gaming Network
>> http://www.sg-gaming.net
>> Your Single Source of Everything Gaming
>> .plan at
>> http://www.wplan.com/cgibin/directplan.cgi?name=Entreri&viewpass=
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>> To: '* Singapore EQ Mailing List' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
>> Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 11:11 AM
>> Subject: [sg-everquest] FFA
>> >From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>> >
>> >Hey guys, just to share an 'interesting' thing I came across last night.
>> >
>> >B4 I met Garren and the guys for Dragoon Dirk hunt, I went to trainer
>> >hoping to get an SBS for some quick buck. I was invis all the way, as
>> >usual hehe, and saw this lvl 15 magi from Higher Order of Arcane, Amii
>> >few other players. So I ask her is there any killing order which I can
>> >join, she said no, it's FFA. Ok fine then, I love FFA, hehe.
>> >
>> >Later when a trainer spawn, everyone rush in and this Amii also nuke
>> >her pet, one force shock from me killed the mob. I looted the mob and
>> >found nothing. Then this Amii keep asking me what lvl and I refused to
>> >tell her. She then start to 'order' me to take turns. What is this
>> > When things are good for her, she ask for FFA, when thing turns against
>> >her she ask to take turn. I didnt wanna refuse directly and keep saying
>> >since she want FFA, it shalll be a FFA. She then start shouting all
>> >and say I'm a stealer who is not willing to take turns. Later, Einan
>> >in the fun and managed to win the kill out of her, even he is actually 1
>> >lvl below Amii, hehe.
>> >
>> >This Amii is giving everyone lot of problem, and FF also told me she
>> >him hell lots of shit the night b4 when FF hunt at trainer hill. Later
>> >even auction to offer 2pp for anyone who hurt Dvinn to almost death,
>> >it to her and zone off so that she can kill Dvinn for the loot and xp,
>> > Knn I will pay her 3pp to do it for me man. To think she wear gossmer
>> >robe at lvl 15, I dunno how many kills/SBS she already got after camping
>> >whole day in trainer hill ;).
>> >
>> >I say, nuke the hell out of her, if anyone camp at CB, hahahahahaha!
>> >
>> >Ziltus.
>> >
>> >
>> >
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