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Message ID: 1221
Date: Wed Jul 14 08:17:50 BST 1999
Author: Gary Qui Hong Loong
Subject: Re: FFA-Stealin- Thieves and Prostitues

Demitry is my uo kaki. He's an austrilian if u still didn't know. and
he's getting engaged this dec. Don't say I said so. heheh
----- Original Message -----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 14:21
Subject: RE: [sg-everquest] FFA-Stealin- Thieves and Prostitues

> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> Sereph contribute his part in complain to Wylven. Leshrec also contribute
> his part by 'accidentally' steal from Voy :)
> Since the anti-camp thingy, stealing is becoming a trend - and sad to say,
> it's mostly the case of a caster stealing from melee. As for high lvl win
> the kill from low lvl, I have nothing to say. Afterall it's a fair game
> and the high lvl dun owe the low lvl anything tat they have to give up
> their chance in getting special artifacts. H/w, I'm very against stealing
> even thou' I myself got capability to do so.
> As I've mentioned earlier, Wylven has stated his point in giving Voy a
> chance to turn over, but Wylven himself is not clear as to what 'changes'
> he expected from Voy:
> - No more stealing from guildmates but ok to steal from others, OR
> - No stealing from anyone.
> My stand is very clear, if stealing from others is allowed in the guild, I
> quit. It doesn't matter if any guild member dun steal from other members,
> the key factor here is stealing, regardless of stealing from who. Even
> thou I'm always anon (easier for me to teach the cry babes and stealer a
> lesson w/o giving any trouble to the guild), I'll feel shameful if I walk
> pass and pple starting throwing comments like "here come another stealers
> from Qui Hoon Dai...".
> As for cry babes like Amii, I raise both my hands and legs with Yiyang -
> train them, steal from them (since they accused us for stealing, so why
> satisfy her 'needs'? hehe), and make their life like hell. Btw I
> u DO can block pple when they trying to zone pass a narrow passage. A wee
> ago there is this stealer name Senear at HH who keep stealing kill. What
> my group did is to block at the HH pass. When there is a train after him,
> he cant run to zone and was beaten till death, hahaha. Then we start to
> wipe all the mobs. Later this Senear comes back, he looted his corpse and
> went off, heh. This way does not work 100% - depending on ya blocking
> positions. If someone try to block u, u can run pass them using the jump
> features - but it'll still hinder ya running speed by a bit.
> I've nothing against Qui Hoon Dai except this CB Voy. So far I only hunt
> with those pple I knew b4 they join the guild, like Ling, Megu, Sat, FF,
> etc, and local kakis. One exception is Demitry, which I only know him
> after joining the guild. Frankly speaking I found our kakis occupying the
> medium and high lvls in the guild. If Wylven remain silent on Voy's
> behaviour I'll support a new local guild, and I contribute 1 pp more than
> YY, ie 2pp,. heheh.
> Ziltus (still w/o a 2nd name).
> On Wednesday, 14 July, 1999 12:42 PM, Alex [SMTP:leealex@...]
> wrote:
> > From: "Alex" <leealex@...>
> >
> > I guess most of u know my stand on steal killin. I have been observing
> this
> > "stealin" trend . The bottom line is usually 2 things 1) lvling-xp 2)
> loot
> > items. Well, the others cool stuffs in EQ is often neglected. LOL ,
> > does,nt even know whats "life" outside of Xp and loots.
> >
> > As more player lvl upwards., prime named mobs will be the main target of
> > 'desire' . there r only a handful of named mob with special items on
> then
> > as compared to a orc or Derv camp of 5-6 mobs. Stealin is gotta get
> > very bad. Its not goin to get any better.
> >
> > How we, an individual and as a Guild/Group distinguish ourselves is the
> > point here. I believe we should established ourselves as a dignified
> group
> > of people who stands up against unethical thievery .
> >
> > Someone like Voyerbian has no place among us. Unless he repent of his
> ways.
> > The loud mouth type of people like "Amii" is just plain ol' loud
> we
> > stake our stand and give this type of ppl hell. we tracked them down .
> train
> > mob to them(ethical?) and make their life hell if need be.
> >
> > ANy one of u spoken to Wylven besides Ziltus about Voy? Qui H'oom dai
> aint
> > too bad, with almost 60 members it gives us access to a bigger pool of
> ppl
> > to group . Wylven is not a bad guy too. BUT if it comes to the crunch im
> for
> > u guys to have our guild. U hav emy support...... and a contribution of
> > 1pp.....
> >
> >
> > Yiyang
> > Monk'eying at RiverVale
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> > To: '* Singapore EQ Mailing List' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
> > Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 11:09 AM
> > Subject: [sg-everquest] FFA
> >
> >
> > >From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> > >
> > >Hey guys, just to share an 'interesting' thing I came across last
> > >
> > >B4 I met Garren and the guys for Dragoon Dirk hunt, I went to trainer
> hill,
> > >hoping to get an SBS for some quick buck. I was invis all the way, as
> > >usual hehe, and saw this lvl 15 magi from Higher Order of Arcane, Amii
> and
> > >few other players. So I ask her is there any killing order which I can
> > >join, she said no, it's FFA. Ok fine then, I love FFA, hehe.
> > >
> > >Later when a trainer spawn, everyone rush in and this Amii also nuke
> with
> > >her pet, one force shock from me killed the mob. I looted the mob and
> > >found nothing. Then this Amii keep asking me what lvl and I refused to
> > >tell her. She then start to 'order' me to take turns. What is this
> man?
> > > When things are good for her, she ask for FFA, when thing turns
> > >her she ask to take turn. I didnt wanna refuse directly and keep
> > >since she want FFA, it shalll be a FFA. She then start shouting all
> over
> > >and say I'm a stealer who is not willing to take turns. Later, Einan
> join
> > >in the fun and managed to win the kill out of her, even he is actually
> > >lvl below Amii, hehe.
> > >
> > >This Amii is giving everyone lot of problem, and FF also told me she
> give
> > >him hell lots of shit the night b4 when FF hunt at trainer hill. Later
> she
> > >even auction to offer 2pp for anyone who hurt Dvinn to almost death,
> train
> > >it to her and zone off so that she can kill Dvinn for the loot and xp,
> LOL.
> > > Knn I will pay her 3pp to do it for me man. To think she wear gossmer
> > >robe at lvl 15, I dunno how many kills/SBS she already got after
> > >whole day in trainer hill ;).
> > >
> > >I say, nuke the hell out of her, if anyone camp at CB, hahahahahaha!
> > >
> > >Ziltus.
> > >
> > >
> > >
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