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Message ID: 1210
Date: Wed Jul 14 03:09:18 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Dragoon Drik

Last night Garren, Einan, Flyingfox, Deadflower and I went hunting for the
Dvinn dagger in CB.

We managed to kill Dvinn few times but only found ONE Dragoon Dirk, with
the following "price":

- Garren died once.
- Ziltus died 3 times (one in water) and drop lvl.
- FF died 2-3 times and drop lvl.
- Einan died ?? times (lost count, hehe).
- DF died at least 2 times.

Later FF and I managed to lvl back but one more death we will drop lvl

Just to let everyone know, so far all the Dvinns we killed are lvl 20.
H/w, he is very tough as a lvl 20 mob and can inflict 40 dam on Garren
(lvl 26 paladin), not to mentioned how he whack the casters

His dagger, Dragoon Dirk, is a piercing weap but u can arm it as a throwing
weap if you are using 2HB, it gives u extra Dex and some SV. One thing to
take note, u MUST armed ya main weap AFTER arming the dagger, otherwise the
dagger will become ya default weap even if u put it as a throwing weap.

Hopefully we can get FF a dagger by tonight and we can all go back to HH to
camp for PGT with Leshrec (money money money, here we come!), heh.

Ziltus, 6th circle High Elf Nuker.