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Message ID: 1190
Date: Tue Jul 13 11:08:57 BST 1999
Author: Gary Qui Hong Loong
Subject: Re: Woo hoo!

Pass my newbie items and I'll come over to Cazic. heheh I wanna try a DE
SK. muhahah

Sereph wrote:

> From: Sereph <garford@...>
> I finally hit 39 in Cazic after 8 hours of SG hunting in Oasis. (All
> this hunting for 1/4 of a bubble)
> Everyone there was shock when they saw the SG attack me and though that
> I'm going to die and a few shaman dash forth to cast SOW on me, until
> they see me
> Tashan-> Whirl-> Melee-> Suffocate-> Arnachy-> Frost Shock-> Arnarchy->
> Melee-> Whirl-> Melee-> Whirl-> Frost Shock -> Dead SG
> Without taking a single point of damage.
> Then I did the bloody mistake of turning off Anon, and I got a screen of
> tells, begging for Clarity and Buffs. I end up giving one who annoyed
> the hell out of me with Curse of the Simple Mind(-20 intelligence).
> Then, a level 20+ wiz tried to steal my kill and I response by casting
> memory blur and cancel magic on the SG I was fighting + buff the SG
> attack speed
> Fun seeing the SG killing the wiz in a few sec, then got itself chop by
> animated my shield and parang in a minute without doing a single point
> of damage to my pet. (Animations + attack speed buff + berserker
> strength does a hell lot of damage and bash around twice per round)
> Finally, I can use Cajoling Whispers(Charm, Invoke Fear(Fear),
> Immobilise(Root), Mind Wipe(Memory Blur), Resist Magic, Shade(AC buff),
> Insight(Damn, they're changing the spell from an INT buff to a WIS one),
> Celerity(Attack speed increase), Rampage(Berzeker Strength) and
> Pacify(Lull) + the 2 illusion spells which I've keep in the bank for so
> damn long.
> Thank god that enchanters don't rely on Research much and I can get all
> the spells I need.
> Sabella Estasis, High Elven Enchanter of the 10th Circle and expert in
> teaching steal killers how to behave.
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Gary Qui Hong Loong
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