Or we can try to talk to Wylven about it. If he can't do anything about it, we
can all leave enmass.
Chow Kah Mun wrote:
> From: Chow Kah Mun <carmon@...>
> Hi Zil
> Think you guys should break off from your present guild and start building
> a Singaporean Guild ! ;P
> Kalandra the Runeweaver Lv 7 Magi (going to lv 8 liaoz)
> LKW wrote:
> > From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> >
> > Just to inform all kakis that we have a stealer from the guild, who even
> > steal from own guild mates.
> >
> > For those who went for the guild bash in Befallen last week, some may
> > remember a lvl 9 DE wiz who went to lvl 3 of Bafallen at lvl 9. Of coz, he
> > kena killed many times and Garren, Wylven and I were the last 3 who stayed
> > with him to get most of his corpses. At the end he still claimed he lost
> > few pp, dvinn dagger etc which Wylven and Garren were kind enough to pass
> > some of their loot to him. So that was my 1st encounter with this DE wiz
> > name Voyesbian.
> >
> > Over the weekend, he was hunting at HH solo, and attacked some of our
> > preys. But he is too weak to steal from our group of lvl 18-20, and he
> > mentioned he just wanna hit once to gain faction. We have no objection
> > over this and we also try not to attack his prey. He gain from lvl 9 to
> > lvl 13 within the weekend, which is pretty fast.
> >
> > H/w, last night while hunting at HH, I noticed he started to steal from our
> > group. He no longer nuke once or twice but nuke full force to get the
> > kill. FYI he is WAITING for the tanks in the group to hurt mob b4 he start
> > to nuke. I ask him why is he doing such thing to his own guildmate and he
> > said he just need 1-3 more kills b4 he log. The true fact is tat he is
> > actually stay longer than that. He is stealing at HH, and he steal from
> > from another groups as well. He steal so ofen that one players from the
> > other guild, Lionessa, started to make noise.
> >
> > I started to observe how this Voy hunt and at one time I was even accused
> > by Lionessa for stealing her kill, while it's actually Voy who did it (I'm
> > just watching with OOM!). I'm kinda pissed to get such accuse. Shortly
> > Lionessa page for a GM, and Voy log immediatelywhen GM Glim arrvived
> > (guilty I guess).
> >
> > When GM Glim arrive, I explained to him, and he understand the situation
> > which wiz are always accused of stealing kills. He also understand it's
> > Voy who did the stealing and I'm innocent. GM Glim then went off shortly.
> >
> > Later part of the hunt, this Lionessa come over and drop comments saying
> > she have make few stealers banned by GM since she played EQ for 4 mths.
> > WTF? My problem if she kill too slow? I wanna stressed again that the
> > casters in my groups NEVER steal kill, in the sense that we never wait for
> > other teams to hurt the mobs for 30-40% HP b4 we start to nuke. Members
> > like Ling, Flyingfox, Satoru and myself hunt often but I'm firm to say we
> > gain xp with our hard work. When there are groups of lvl 20s steal from
> > us, we hardly make any noise but to hunt elsewhere, so I can't understand
> > why cry babies like Lionessa make so much noise. Anyway later Demitry
> > suggest to all group members to petition for players harrassment (since her
> > words sounded SO threatening, hehe), and well, no GM come, haha.
> >
> > This is just a note to all local kakis to watch out for this member
> > Voyesbian. Not that we are not helpful but I caution all to think twice
> > before helping this kinda players.
> >
> > Our boss Wylven (who is unaware of this incident) made Voyesbian a guild
> > officer last weekend, and the thought of sharing an officer post with such
> > player make me sick.
> >
> > Ziltus.
> >
> > p/s: U guys noticed we got more wiz in guild nowadays? After me, Les, Sat
> > (high elf) and Ling (erudite), the rest of the new wiz are all from DE.
> > Hehe.
> >
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