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Message ID: 1099
Date: Fri Jul 9 02:59:01 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Re: Time...

It's common for local EQ players play until 2-4am everyday, and that
includes weekdays. I myself play till 2am almost everyday and wake at
7.30am to work. How to 'tong', bo bian lah. U see everybody lvling so
fast and we working pple lag so much behind, die die also must tong lah!
Btw I start playing between 8pm to 12am during weekdays. Weekend I try to
play whole day but most of the time not at home, sigh, RL commitment lah.
Come to think of it, weekend is the best lvling time. If play properly
can advance at least 1 lvl.

Ziltus, the wiz with panda eyes.

On Friday, 09 July, 1999 3:39 AM, Dexter Wong [SMTP:dexterw@...]
> From: Dexter Wong <dexterw@...>
> I was lying in my bed, looked at the clock...nearly 4am...got 2 more hrs
> then I'll hv to wakeup and go to work....and then I made a dreadful
> decision...
> Hack y not just don sleep for one day...so I got up, on my Pc and will be
> going to play EQ soon hahahaha
> So what time do you all usually play? Where U all usually go?
> \\\\\////
> / ^ _ \
> ( (o) (o) )
> *=======oOOO=====(_)=====OOOo=========*
> | Dexter Wong |
> | dexterw@... |
> | chocoboo@... |
> | ICQ Uni:1301686 |
> |http://home3.pacific.net.sg/~dexterw |
> *===================Oooo.=============*
> .oooO ( |
> ( ) ) /
> \ ( (_/
> \_)
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