Talking bout druid, I was thinking of making one, maybe as a secondary character or a main one if I really like it. I think wolf form is cool, and druids get to teleport just as well as wizards, at one level earlier too. They get to heal,charm,dot and even have DD spells, although not as well as the specialist classes. Druids can also SoW and buff quite well... Well, if no one is gonna make a druid, i'll start one this weekend and see how it goes...
-----Original Message-----
From: Sereph <
To: <>
Date: Thursday, July 08, 1999 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Level1-10s
As the unofficial newbie leader cum guildsay abuser, I say we need a druid.
So far, only Nicademous and Runeweaver are under 10, rest are at least level 10 and ask Red Dawn when the fish he'll give me the space?
Oh yeha, I have a ton of screen shots ranging from flying SGs to giant purple willowisps (Kellendil and Ziltus should remember this)
Entreri wrote:
Can all level1-10s in innoruuk reveal ya names/nick/class/race/level?so that I can decide what class me and my classmates can use if we start chr in innoruuk. thinking of a paladin or cleric now though or if anyone can sponser me 10pp with some equipment,I can use my Kenven again.kekeke Entreri Email:
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